How to plant large-fruited raspberries in the fall. Advantages and features of autumn planting in different regions, the choice of seedlings


To plant raspberries on the site is not at all difficult, it is enough to choose the right seedling and know the features of growing the variety. And when to plan a landing, and how to do it correctly, you will learn about this from the article.

When to plant raspberries in the fall

Experienced gardeners advise planting raspberries in the fall, so that it is well rooted, saturated with mineral substances from the soil. Such seedlings winter well, start early to grow new shoots and bear fruit. If we are talking about repair raspberries, then the first berries can be picked in the summer.

The optimal time for work is considered to be the first half of September, when it is still far from frost. In different regions, the timing may vary significantly. For example, in the south of the country, planting work continues until the end of October. But in the north and in the central part of Russia, all landings must be completed before the end of September.

Important! Landing is planned so that at least 20 days remain before the alleged frosts. It is good if the temperature in the street during this period is kept at 10-15 ° C.

You should not delay the planting, otherwise the seedlings will not have time to take root well, they will die during the first frosts. It is not always possible to save raspberries, seedlings do not develop well in the spring, they often get sick, do not bear fruit.

The advantage of autumn planting raspberries

In the autumn planting of raspberries there are many significant advantages:

• due to low night temperatures and high humidity, seedlings quickly grow new roots;

• in autumn, seedlings try to accumulate as many nutrients as possible inside the shoots, which helps them to winter well;

• survival rate of autumn plantings is almost 100%.

In addition, in the autumn there is a lot of planting material, you can choose an attracted variety. If we talk about repair raspberries, then when buying a seedling, you can even try berries.

The only drawback of autumn planting is the need to monitor the weather. In the case of a sharp cooling and lowering the temperature to minus values, the seedling must be well insulated.

Features of planting raspberries in autumn and growing in different regions of the country

How to find out that a seedling is ready for planting? In a matured plant, replacement buds, which are located at the root neck, have already been identified. For planting in the fall, it is better to choose annual plants with a well-developed root system and strong shoots. Make sure that the roots do not dry out, otherwise it is almost impossible to return them to their normal state.

In different regions of the country, raspberry planting in autumn has its own characteristics. How not to make typical mistakes?

1. In the southern regions of the country, you should not plant plants too early, otherwise they will start growing, they will expend energy on building greenery. At the first frost, they will begin to hurt.

2. In the central part and in the north of Russia, raspberries cannot be planted in the shade. With this planting, the shoots become brittle, do not have time to ripen before winter, the flower buds freeze out, and the berries do not have time to pour.

3. Do not plant raspberries on waterlogged soil, since it does not tolerate stagnation of moisture at the roots.

4. The beds are arranged from north to south, so that the berries are better lit.

5. When planting a sapling, cardinal pruning is done, otherwise root stepchildren will pull on themselves all the nutrients.

If you take these features into account, it will be easy to grow raspberries and harvest a good crop.

Step-by-step instructions for planting raspberries in the fall

Planting raspberries is not much different from planting other shrubs. The main thing is to choose the right place and prepare the ground. Everything else is a matter of technology.

Raspberry planting spot

To ripen berries requires a lot of light and sun, so the bush needs to be placed in a well-lit area. However, raspberries need to be fenced off from direct sunlight, otherwise the berry will simply bake in the midday heat.

Important! In partial shade, the bush bears fruit worse, despite the abundance of fertilizing.

Raspberry is an unpretentious shrub, but does not like drafts and cold winds. Ovaries and shoots may suffer from this. They plant it in a well-protected place, for example, at a fence or wall of a house.

In addition, the landing site is chosen so that the groundwater level is high. Waterlogging negatively affects the root system.

Soil preparation

Fruits raspberries well only in nutrient soil. If the soil is poor, then it is immediately noticeable. Leaves grow dull, berries are poorly poured, lose their taste. Loam and sandy loam soil can be considered ideal soil for raspberry cultivation.

Before planting, the site is prepared, deeply dug and fertilized. It is useful to add rotted manure, humus, mineral fertilizer complex.

Landing Methods

There are two ways to plant raspberries:

• bush;

• trench.

In the first case, the pit is prepared two weeks before planting. Its dimensions should correspond to the root system of the seedling. The hole is filled with nutritious soil, humus and mineral fertilizers. You can add wood ash. Planting is carried out when the soil settles a little. During work, monitor the state of the root neck, it is buried only 2 cm.

The trench planting method is suitable for experienced gardeners, as it requires more time and knowledge. The trench is prepared in advance, its width is about 40 cm. Between the seedlings leave up to 70 cm.

Important! To prevent raspberries from spreading over the entire area, they surround the trench along the perimeter with slate.

Fill the trench on the principle of a warm bed. At the bottom put chips, dust from sawn trees, then a layer of dry leaves, fertile soil, etc. From above raspberries are covered with garden soil. It is such a bed that provides long-term nutrition of the seedling and does not take much time.

Preparing raspberries for the winter

Even the most winter-hardy raspberries at a young age need good shelter. It is best to make frame protection, which is removed with the first spring rays.


Watch the video: Blackcurrant. Wikipedia audio article (June 2024).