Should I do permanent eyebrow makeup? The opinion of stylists: why not do eyebrow tattooing


Eyebrows are the “face of the face” and many girls know about it, and therefore they are trying in every possible way to emphasize their beauty. All kinds of paints, pencils are used, and someone even resorts to a method such as tattooing. And crowds of girls with thin, blue-black eyebrows-threads, or vice versa, awkwardly wide eyebrows appeared on the streets.
The main disadvantages of this procedure ^

Not washed off by water

This will seem to someone a huge advantage, supposedly made a tattoo and you can not paint, not be afraid of water and spend less time on care. Now imagine, if you just dye your eyebrows with paint and you don’t like the look, you can wash it off and repaint it.

In the case of a permanent, this cannot be done. With the result, you will have to walk from six months to several years, depending on how deep the master inserted the needle.

Depending on the type of skin, such makeup can remain for life!

I wanted to change the hairstyle or hair color, but the shape of the eyebrows remained the same, and it is likely that everything will not combine together.

Can only be removed with a laser.

The only reliable method to remove bad makeup is with a laser. The procedure is expensive, and one session, as the practice of the masters shows, is not enough. It takes at least three visits, and then “erase” completely will not succeed.

Black eyebrows will be just a little “highlighted” and not so noticeable, and they can be repainted with other colors. Ultimately, the price of removal will exceed the cost of the makeup itself.

Old fashioned

Feathering technique, shadow technique, 3D volumetric technique - the main modern types on the market, but the fact remains - all this is artificial, artificial beauty.

If you look at the photos of stars on red carpet and other festivals, then no beauty will have a tattoo.

The thing is that this remained in the early 2000s. years, having tried a new product, the girls realized - permanent, it is ugly and unnatural, and gradually moved to their real eyebrows.

Error rate is too high.

Are girls ready to entrust the beauty of their face to an unfamiliar master one hundred percent? Most cases show yes. But in vain. Even if a friend made a successful make-up and advised the master, it is worth considering that everyone has different skin, and it is not known how pigment will appear.

Increasingly, on the streets you can find women with too dark eyebrows - the wrong color of eyebrows. Or the color was chosen correctly, and the skin reacted unpredictably and the color changed.

The second common mistake is asymmetry. One eyebrow may be thinner than another, or shorter. They can be located at different heights, or at different distances from the nose bridge. It will be extremely difficult to fix this; you have to constantly correct defects with a pencil.

The third drawback may be uneven staining. Eyebrows will be like with "bald spots", in the future it will only fix the correction.

Before you make eyebrows "forever", you should carefully weigh the pros and cons.

To make a final decision, is it worth a look? how is this generally done:
