Nootropics: is it possible to “grow wiser” with the help of medicines?


Nootropics are medicines that improve cognition, memory, intelligence, motivation and concentration. Obsolete studies in neurobiology and pharmacology have demonstrated that various nootropics improve human cognitive processes. However, the main problem of modern "brain enhancers" remains side effects. How safe and effective are brain-enhancing drugs?

Popular "drugs" of British youth

Every 5 students in the United Kingdom take nootropics to prepare for exams. Studies have shown that modafinil can improve spatial memory, concentration, and mood. Methylphenidate improves spatial working memory and planning in healthy adult patients.

Most chemicals were originally developed to treat conditions characterized by impaired memory and cognition. Scientists have not agreed on what to consider "cognitive defects." Methylphenidate and modafinil were originally developed to treat the symptoms of ADHD and narcolepsy. Recently, these substances have been used by healthy people to improve memory, alertness, or concentration.

Nootropic drugs are sold by prescription. Nutritional supplements or herbal remedies are usually available at health food stores and supermarkets. Drugs that improve brain function often cause euphoria and mental dependence. About 27% of students "sit down" on a psychotropic drug and are unable to learn without stimulants. Recent studies have cast doubt on not only safety, but also the effectiveness of nootropics.

Nootropics won't help pass the exam?

In clinical studies, the effectiveness of nootropics has not yet been proven. Effects are often limited to improvements in specific tasks and are visible only at certain dosages.

Short-term studies conducted in laboratory conditions do not reflect the long-term effect in real conditions.

Dutch scientists found a significant improvement in the long-term memory of healthy participants in a scientific review of metifendidate. However, analysis of these studies did not reveal significant improvements in attention, mood, or executive function. Similar results were revealed by other researchers.

A review of more than 50 experiments on the effects of amphetamine and methylphenidate found no conclusive evidence of improved memory. Researchers concluded that evidence of improved memory, executive functions, and math problems was biased.

The subjective feeling of improvement in cognitive abilities is associated with a sharp increase in mood and self-esteem. It turns out that the students "stoned" exaggerate their own capabilities?

In a long-term trial, it was found that dependent patients performed worse math tasks without stimulants.

Scientists concluded: "psychostimulants improve brain function, but only for those who are dependent on them." In healthy people who do not take psychostimulants, almost no effects are observed.

Are brain enhancers safe?

Safety is associated with the direct pharmacological action of nootropics. A review by American scientists concluded that in most patients the drugs were well tolerated. However, side effects have been noted.

Methylphenidate increased heart rate and increased blood pressure. People developed headaches, anxiety, nervousness, drowsiness, and insomnia.

Similar side effects are characteristic of modafinil. In a recent scientific review, modafinil was reviewed by the European Medicines Agency. Researchers reported that it should not be prescribed for the treatment of sleep apnea and drowsiness of an unknown cause.

Due to the risk of suicide, depression, psychosis, drugs are contraindicated in patients with mental disorders. Stimulative psychosis is one of the most serious consequences of the withdrawal of psychostimulants. The patient develops severe hallucinations, psychomotor agitation, and panic attacks.

The safety and effectiveness of nootropics has not been proven, so "sitting down" on unknown substances is an unjustified risk. There are no ways to learn all the exam material in one go. The long process of rebuilding and strengthening nerve connections requires a lot of patience and effort.


Watch the video: Can Drugs Make You Smarter? Earth Lab (June 2024).