How men perceive jewelry on a woman. Which jewelry do they like and which do not


Every day, women spend (in aggregate) millions of rubles on jewelry. Gold, silver, precious stones and ordinary jewelry are present on the body of all women, without exception. The goal is to look more attractive in your own eyes, in the eyes of others and of course in the eyes of men. But let me tell you how women react to women's jewelry. Perhaps this will help you decide the next time.


First and most importantwhat you need to know: no man NEVER, AND UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, can distinguish jewelry from jewelry, glass from a diamond. Firstly, because for them “these trinkets look the same”, and secondly, because men do not even try to see any difference and do not attach any importance to this issue. However, to be completely accurate (and this may surprise you): a man a priori perceives any jewelry on the girl’s body as jewelry. In other words, a girl in jewelry for 300 rubles and a girl in gold and diamonds for 300,000 in the eyes of a man will look absolutely equivalent.

The size

The second is the size of the jewelry. For a man to notice them at all - jewelry should be noticeable. That is relatively large and bright. What is meant here. And the fact that all the money that women have spent on stud earrings in the entire history has been thrown away. Especially if it was a golden carnation. And especially if with diamonds. These earrings are so beloved by many - men are indifferent because men do not notice them at all. However, at the same time, although men notice massive, shoulder-length earrings at once, they only cause them bewilderment and a dumb question “why ?!” They do not think about it for more than two seconds. The same goes for rings, and bracelets and chains. Tiny, almost invisible male eyes "Does not read", huge massive cause only surprise and associations with the word "Pulled on".


And the third is the amount. Here, too, there is one rule that will come in handy and will help you save a lot. According to typical male ideas, a woman should have one earrings, one chain, one bracelet and one ring. The key is like "one." And if the number of earrings in the ears rarely exceeds one set, then the necks and arms entwined with all kinds of chains, bracelets and rings of different shapes and sizes can be seen more often than we would like. And here already the question seriously arises for men: “why so much” ?! And this is not only about the irrationality of such expenses (as we remember all the jewelry on the woman’s body, the man perceives it as jewelry). Men have completely no logic: one chain is good, and two are twice as good. Rather, this logic works like this: One chain is good, and two is strange, three is very strange. And so on.

Lack of

Well, finally, we ask ourselves this question. But what if a woman has no jewelry at all? How will IT perceive a man? It will be wonderful. He will not notice their absence, just as he often does not notice their presence. The presence or absence of jewelry does not affect the centers of arousal in men at all, and therefore all female jewelry is a light bulb for them. What can not be said about makeup, but we will talk about it another time.


Which conclusion can be drawn. Very favorable for your personal budget. Spending on jewelry is much more reasonable than spending on jewelry. And even spending on jewelry can be significantly limited. Because having one set of jewelry for each “outlet” and under each dress, wearing jewelry is worth only one set at a time. This will delight yourself, the surrounding men and your wallet.

And we love you not for jewelry!


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