Fashion trends in the education of children: what are the consequences?


Young parents often find themselves at a crossroads: how to raise a child? Should one choose classical methods of education proven over decades or pay attention to modern pedagogical developments? This is the personal choice of each family. However, scientists have studied the most fashionable trends of education today and identified those that in any case will be dangerous for the baby.

  • Excessive sports activity from the first days of life, which young fitness moms are so keen on, is not useful for a child. Combining baby swimming with gymnastics and active massage is fraught with physical development defects and even injuries with increased load. In addition, in an atmosphere of constant competition with oneself, a child can grow selfish and cruel, and also treat his mistakes too critical.
  • Restricting the nutrition of newborns will not make them slimmer in the future. The baby should be fully fed, because it is at this age that the immune system and eating habits are formed. "Baby fat" can not be reset with the help of a diet: becoming a little older, the child will begin to actively move and will no longer be plump. Unless, of course, to form him the correct power system.
  • The lack of a normal mode of the day and night at the mother negatively affects the child. If parents sit up in games and social networks in the long evenings, work at night, not paying attention to the child, he begins to feel unnecessary and loses confidence in his elders. It is worth thinking about why this baby was born? Is it possible for my mother to have a rest from him at the computer? Any gaming entertainment can be shared with the child ... or wait a couple of years until he goes to school, giving his mother free time for hobbies and work.
  • Some moms make over-mothers of unsteady "hlyupik" children. If parents do everything for the child, he cannot learn independence in the future and forms dozens of complexes. Especially if the parents do any work for him, saying that he is not smart enough, strong or enduring to cope with it.
  • Contests and competitions that moms get involved in to entertain their own pride can turn into suffering for a child. Countless sporting congresses and talent shows make a child afraid to bring his mother disappointment if they fail to win. A child should not be an achievement of parents, it is important not to forget - from an early age he is already a person who is able to make decisions herself and choose her own path.


Watch the video: 7 Ways Childhood Trauma Follow You Into Adulthood (July 2024).