7 reasons to make soap yourself


Control the quality of components
In the world of mass consumption, people get what they pay for. Inexpensive soap and detergents are made from even cheaper materials, such as petroleum products and chemicals. Most of the ingredients removed moisturizing ingredients to sell them separately. The end result is soap, which is similar in effect to detergent. The buyer creates a false impression about the good quality of the soap just because it leaves the skin clean "to the creak."

The ability to create a huge variety of flavors, colors and shapes
Let your imagination fly! There is no limit to the number of different projects you can think of. Unlike other crafts, such as the art of sculpting, candle making, or even decorating, soap molds are very different, giving you the freedom to choose any one you can find. Personalize your soap even more with a variety of fragrances, essential oils and flowers - all this can be found in the handicraft shop.

You can always make a meaningful and useful gift for holidays or on special occasions.
No more worries about giving to neighbors, friends and relatives! Everyone needs a good scrub from time to time. Is there a better way to show them your love than a hand-made gift? They will appreciate the care and they will be able to use the gift.

You can try different recipes until you find the perfect combination for your skin type.

This is one of the most compelling reasons to start making your own soap. Especially if you (or someone close to you) are suffering from dry skin, eczema, psoriasis, or another form of skin sensitivity. Studying the art of creating soap with your own hands will allow you to find the necessary recipes that will not enhance the disease. Even "normal" skin types vary in terms of thickness, smoothness and moisture. It's amazing how much better handmade soap can make even skin without any problems.

Opportunity to sell and make profit
Yes, this possibility definitely exists! This is a thriving home business, as customers today are more disposed towards handmade soap. They are looking for an inexpensive, but still effective alternative to industrial products containing harmful substances. It is also a great gift for housewarming, seasonal holidays or even for a wedding.

Homemade soap is more environmentally friendly than factory soap.
This is evidenced by its all-natural composition. But industrial soap is filled not only with the products of oil distillation, but also with parabens, chemical fragrances, and surfactants that destroy the skin mantle, which are harmful to health.

This is an interesting hobby that benefits.
If no other reason works, try making soap as an amazing hobby! From drawing up a recipe to shaping, adding colors and aroma, creating soap is just a feast for the senses. This is an elegant blend of science and art, and the fruits of works are widely used. Involving children and friends in making soap is a great way to get close to them. And the result of collaboration is useful to everyone in the bathroom!


Watch the video: 7 Reasons to Learn How to Make Soap (July 2024).