Storing vegetables in the apartment: a few tips for housewives


Each year, the generous gifts of autumn gives people a variety of different fruits, so that people can stock up on them for the whole coming winter. For summer residents who have country houses with gardens, it is not a problem to preserve the harvest for the entire period of cold weather. Since every gardener must have a cellar - an excellent vegetable storehouse that has been tested for centuries. But residents of cities to preserve the harvest is quite difficult, because the conditions for storing vegetables in the apartment is not entirely suitable. But if you know some of the features inherent in different fruits, then vegetables can be stored no worse than in the cellar.

Conditions of storage of vegetables in the apartment

- Better than all other vegetable crops saved potatoes. Often, his stocks in the apartment are able to enrich the diet of citizens throughout the winter. It is very important to dry the tubers in the sun for about 2-3 days before harvesting, and then clean them from adhering dirt. Then you should carefully pick the potatoes and leave for storage only the one on which there is no external damage. No need to store it on the balcony, the potato does not like frost. The storage place must be dry, cool and protected from light. Therefore, the pantry is the best option.

- Carrot. For its long storage will require dry wooden boxes (not trellised) and sun warmed sand. Like potatoes, carrots need a couple of days to dry in the fresh air, to separate all the fruits that have mechanical damage and are eaten by pests. In the prepared boxes you need to fill a three-centimeter layer of sand, then put the carrots in a row so that the roots do not touch each other. Top carrot completely covered with sand. Then the next row of fruits is laid out, followed by another one ... Boxes filled to the top in this way can be stored on the balcony.

- If you want throughout the winter to have fresh cabbage, you need to ensure that sent to storage heads are not over-ripe (cracked), since such fruits may soon rot. It is imperative that at least a pair of covering leaves be preserved on the heads of cabbage, which will protect the cabbage from both diseases and external damage. You can keep cabbage during storage on the lower shelves of the refrigerator, but it is better to wrap each head of the newspaper and put it in the closet. Similarly, you can store and beets.

- Garlic and onionintended for long storage, harvested in the form of braided braids, which are obtained by intertwining the stalks of many fruits. Pre-garlic and onion with un pruned stems should be dried for 2-3 days in the sun. Onions for future weaving need to choose bitter varieties, because it is he who does not spoil for a long time and is less susceptible to all kinds of diseases. Garlic for this purpose is chosen large, where the teeth are collected in large heads. Small garlic, however it is stored, dries quickly. In the apartment, the made braids are hung closer to the ceiling, since it is in this area that heat accumulates, which prevents possible rotting of the fruit.

As we can see, there are some general rules for storing vegetables. These include: drying the fruit in the sun and checking for the absence of various external damages. In addition to them, you should know that you never need to store different types of vegetables in one heap, otherwise they will all quickly rot. Stored vegetables should be regularly inspected and choose the fruits that began to deteriorate.


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