Lazy cabbage rolls are ideal for breakfast, lunch or dinner!


Lazy cabbage rolls are a cross between cabbage rolls and juicy meatballs. They are served even to children in kindergarten!

Lazy cabbage rolls are prepared in several stages, but at the same time, at one of the stages of creating a dish, you can freeze it in the freezer to always have ready-to-cook foods, for example, when suddenly uninvited guests find themselves at your doorstep.

Such a tasty and mouth-watering dish will always be in demand on the table, both on weekdays and on holidays. Even despite the many processes in the preparation, lazy cabbage rolls are prepared very quickly and quickly!

To create them you will need:

- 300 g of minced meat;

- 0.5 heads of cabbage;

- 2 carrots;

- 150 g of rice;

- 1 chicken egg;

- 3-4 tablespoons wheat flour;

- 80 ml of vegetable oil;

- salt and spices to taste.

For the sauce:

- 2-3 tbsp sour cream;

- 1 tomato;

- 1 tsp Sahara;

- 2 pinches of salt.

First of all, remove the top leaves from the cabbage and cut it in half, and then - chop one half of the vegetable in any way. Place the sauerkraut sliced ​​in a bowl, salt it lightly, and rinse it with your hands to release the juice.

Then peel the carrots and chop it on a coarse grater into a bowl of cabbage. If you already have onion in the stuffing, then you can do without it. If not, then additionally dice the onion, previously peeled and washed in water.

Pour 30 ml of vegetable oil into the stewpan and spasse chopped cabbage and carrots in it until soft.

Remove and place in container.

Boil the rice for 15-18 minutes, rinsing after that in cool water so that it does not stick together.

Pour rice into a bowl of stewed vegetables.

Add the stuffing there. You can choose it according to your taste: chicken, pork, beef, etc., but pork and ground beef sounds most juicy in a dish.

Beat a chicken egg in a bowl, pour salt and spices to taste and mix everything together.

As a result, you should get wet minced meat and vegetable.

Pour wheat flour on a plate and, forming small patties soaked in minced water in the water from the forcemeat, breaded them in flour on both sides.

So do the rest of the minced meat, laying the blanks on the board. At this stage, you can freeze them and get semi-finished products, which you can fry at any time and lightly steam, making the sauce.

Pour the rest of the vegetable oil into the pan, heat it and put the lazy cabbage rolls breaded in flour. Fry for about 3-4 minutes on one side over medium heat.

Then turn the “lazy” meatballs to the other side and simmer them the same amount of time.

Place the cutlets in a stewpan.

To make cabbage rolls juicy - they must be steamed in the sauce. Scalp a large tomato with boiling water and peel it, cutting it crosswise from the bottom.

Cut the pulp of the tomato on them and place the stewpan on the fire.

Add sour cream and granulated sugar. let it sit for about 3-4 minutes and turn it off until the sour cream has time to curl

Serve lazy cabbage rolls hot with bread and herbs.

Good appetite!

By the way, about 6 servings of aromatic meat dish are obtained from the minced meat, to which you no longer need to serve a side dish - it is present in the dish itself. Lazy cabbage rolls are revered not only for their appetite, but also for budget:

- 300 g of minced meat - 60 rubles .;

- 0.5 heads of cabbage - 10 rubles;

- 2 carrots - 6 rubles;

- 150 g of rice - 10 rubles;

- 1 chicken egg - 5 rubles;

- 3-4 tablespoons wheat flour - 3 rubles .;

- 80 ml of vegetable oil - 12 rubles;

- 1 tomato - 5 rubles .;

- 2-3 tbsp sour cream - 12 rubles .;

- 1 tsp sugar and salt - 2 rubles.

Total: 6 servings of lazy stuffed cabbage stand 125 rubles, and 1 serving of 3 cutlets - 21 ruble! Cook further with us is profitable and delicious!


Watch the video: Lazy Cabbage Rolls. . Easy And Good! Recipe. . (June 2024).