Pregnancy in the early stages - is there any reason for concern. For what reason there are discharge in the early stages and what to do when they appear.


Female discharge is a process familiar to beautiful ladies firsthand, and in most cases it does not cause concern. But during pregnancy, when the feelings of the future mother are aggravated by concern for the baby’s health, any abnormal manifestation causes concern. And sometimes it happens that they are well founded. Pregnancy in the early stages - is it worth it to worry if they leave traces of their presence on linen? It is certainly not worth it to prematurely panic, because it is quite possible that this is a normal natural process.

When discharge during early pregnancy is normal

Throughout life, the uterine mucosa constantly works, producing the necessary mucus. In the first half of the monthly cycle, it is designed to facilitate the movement of sperm, therefore it is produced abundantly and has the consistency of chicken protein. After successful fertilization, the uterus prepares to take an egg, the mucus becomes a little thicker and less transparent. In the first case, the process is regulated by estrogen, in the second - progesterone, familiar to all female hormones.

At the beginning of pregnancy, progesterone assumes all responsibility for the production of mucus, so the secretions are scarce and viscous. In this way, wise nature protects the tiny embryo from external influences, creating a reliable barrier to bacteria in the form of a mucous plug. However, from about the twelfth week, the body of the future mother begins to intensively produce estrogen, and the secretions instantly become much more fluid, their volume increases.

Thus, discharge during early pregnancy is a normal occurrence that should not be disturbing. But! only if they are white or transparent, do not cause discomfort, unpleasant itching and burning, do not have an abnormal smell. The appearance of only one of the above signs should alert and serve as a reason for a visit to the doctor.

Pathological discharge during early pregnancy

Allocations are considered abnormal if they have an unusual consistency, with an unpleasant pungent odor, are colored brown, greenish or yellow, and also, in most cases, have an admixture of blood. As evidenced by the appearance of each of these signs, it should be considered in more detail.

1. White discharge during early pregnancy

Unlike the familiar and familiar, they cause a lot of trouble - they “delight” with intolerable itching and burning, especially after a shower, sexual intercourse and during sleep. A curd mass with an unpleasant sour smell is visible on the gasket. The culprit is vaginal candidiasis, or, as many call it, thrush. Candida fungus is for many a permanent inhabitant of the vaginal microflora, but it does not develop and does not cause concern to its mistress. It is activated after uncontrolled use of antibiotics or begins to develop and causes annoying discharge during pregnancy in the early stages. The acidity of the vagina in the future mother changes, and the fungus is rapidly growing. Many women are already familiar with the aggressor and are trying to get rid of it with the help of their usual drugs. This is the main danger, since most of them are harmful to a tiny little man.

2. Discharge of yellow and greenish flowers during early pregnancy

Yellow discharge during pregnancy in the early stages signal the presence of an inflammatory process, the presence of staphylococcus, E. coli. Unpleasant pungent odor, fever, pain in the lower abdomen - companions of yellow or with a slightly green tint of discharge. The doctor should be consulted immediately, since inflammation can provoke a miscarriage.

Yellow-green or gray-green discharge with foamy vesicles is one of the symptoms of extremely unpleasant diseases that are transmitted only through sexual contact, for example, gonorrhea. It is not at all a fact that the infection happened during pregnancy, the pathogen simply activated against the background of a suppressed immune system. Despite the fact that the treatment of such ailments causes certain difficulties, the doctor will surely pick up drugs that will not harm the baby.

Green discharge during early pregnancy, with a clear fishy smell, indicates vaginal dysbiosis, or bacterial vaginosis. Literally, this term is translated as "violation of the vaginal microflora." Sometimes the color of the discharge can vary to yellow, but the smell is necessarily present. If you ignore the doctor’s visit, complications are possible - inflammation of the bladder, appendages, inner layer of the uterine wall. A full-fledged treatment of vaginal dysbiosis is not carried out during pregnancy, the doctor only helps to get rid of its unpleasant manifestations and suggests holding it later.

3. Brown spotting during early pregnancy

The discharge during pregnancy in the early stages of a clear dark brown or brown color should alert. Only in a few cases are they harmless, more often they are formidable harbingers of trouble. Scanty, only staining clothes in a dark color, appear in expectant mothers at the beginning of pregnancy, on the days of the alleged critical days. They do not carry dangers, however, doctors advise to be alert these days. In the first weeks, it is these days that are most alarming due to the possible threat of abortion. You should not burden yourself with various household chores and gymnastic exercises, it is better to refrain from intimate relationships with your husband, do not be nervous, rest more.

Brownish discharge at first during pregnancy in the early stages can be a formidable confirmation of an ectopic pregnancy, when the egg stopped on the way to the uterus and attached outside it. In this case, pain is added to the external manifestations in the lower abdomen, most often on the one hand, radiating to the anus. Dizziness, weakness, increased pain and abundant discharge - an occasion to immediately call an ambulance. The diagnosis is confirmed by ultrasound, according to its results, an operation is prescribed. Unfortunately, there are no alternatives to surgical intervention.

No less formidable danger is a miscarriage, the threat of which can be prevented by brown-brown discharge during pregnancy in the early stages. As a result of inappropriate levels of the hormone progesterone, the endometrium tries to tear the fetus away. The discharge gradually becomes abundant, pains in the lower abdomen and severe weakness join. Timely help of the doctor helps to avoid unhappiness - the expectant mother is urgently hospitalized, provides bed rest and makes every effort to save the baby. The presence of clots in red with a brownish tint of copious discharge indicates an incomplete miscarriage, usually in this case, curettage is prescribed. Of course, the diagnosis should be confirmed by ultrasound.

Curettage of the uterus is also prescribed for a frozen pregnancy. The death of the fetus does not have pronounced symptoms, at first you can only guess about it by the disappearance of obvious signs of pregnancy - toxicosis stops, and the chest becomes soft and painless again. But after about seven to ten days, the body tries to get rid of the fetus that has stopped in development. First, scanty brown, then profuse bloody discharge appears, accompanied by cramping pains. These symptoms warn of a miscarriage that begins. Sometimes, instead of curettage, in the early stages of pregnancy, the doctor prescribes a vacuum aspiration, or with the help of certain drugs causes a miscarriage.

4. Bloody discharge during early pregnancy

On the seventh-tenth day, after successful fertilization, sometimes there is a slight discharge with an admixture of blood, which should not be feared. They accompany the process of attachment of the egg to the wall of the uterus, and are the result of damage to one of the many blood vessels of the endometrium. In addition to the appearance of small bloody inclusions against the background of discharge of the usual color and consistency, no other unpleasant symptoms are observed, and the future mother feels fine.

In addition to a frozen and ectopic pregnancy, which at a certain stage can be manifested by bloody discharge, a bladder skid can also become their cause. This is a rather rare pathology in which there is an unexpected fertilization of one egg by two sperm, or for some unknown reason, the maternal genes are lost and the paternal genes double. Proof of the pathology is the presence in the daily discharge of vesicles with transparent contents. If bleeding occurs, emergency surgery is necessary.

Pregnancy during early pregnancy can turn red after sexual contact or a routine examination by a gynecologist using tools. In the vast majority of cases, this is the result of cervical erosion, which for quite a long time does not show its presence. Erosion - sores and small wounds on the epithelium. They are treated with cauterization, but at the stage of pregnancy, this procedure is contraindicated, doctors use only medication.

Pregnancy in the early stages - summarize

Throughout the weeks of a pleasant state in expectation of motherhood, one cannot ignore the characteristic features of the discharge. They should not worry, if not plentiful, do not have an unpleasantly pungent odor, do not cause discomfort and have the usual consistency. Experts consider it normal if the discharge during early pregnancy is white or transparent. A good reason for contacting your doctor should be an abnormal discoloration of the discharge, the presence of blood or a fetid odor. A visit to the doctor is considered necessary if additional symptoms join - painful sensations, fever, vomiting or nausea, painful impotence. A responsible and rather difficult period of life is connected, unfortunately, not only with pleasant changes, but also with not quite comfortable ones. Be careful and careful, the health of the baby and your own depends on you.


Watch the video: Pregnancy - What could be the reasons for bleeding in the first trimester? BMI Healthcare (June 2024).