Treatment of fungus on the feet folk remedies: herbal medicine, soda and vinegar. Recipes for the treatment of fungus on his feet folk remedies


Mycosis of the nails and feet, popularly referred to as "fungus" - a disease triggered by microscopic fungi of various species.

To destroy these microorganisms is not necessarily treated with pharmaceutical ointments and creams, you can resort to the methods of traditional medicine, the recipes are listed below.

Treatment of fungus on the feet folk remedies based on soda

Baking soda is a substance that adversely affects the vital activity of a fungal infection. It is a part of many alternative medicine products that help to prevent foot fungus. Here are some of them:

Foot bath with soda. In warm (40-45 ° С) water, dilute soda in proportion of one tablespoon to two liters of water. Pour the solution into a basin or any other container and immerse the legs in liquid. In these baths, you can also add sea salt. The duration of the procedure is about 30 minutes. Then wash your feet with warm water, wipe dry and put on clean socks. Repeat the procedure should be every evening, until the signs of infection disappear or healthy nail plates grow.

Soda paste. Pour a small amount of soda, for example, into a cup, and gradually pour warm water into it, stirring constantly. Liquid needs quite a bit to form a kind of paste. The resulting tool to treat the feet and toenails, and other infected areas of the body.

Baths with soda and potassium permanganate. To prepare the solution for the bath you need a rug teaspoon of potassium permanganate (manganese), one table each. spoon of grated soap (economic) and soda, as well as two tables. spoons of mustard powder. Dissolve all ingredients in warm clean water. Baths do daily before going to bed.

Treatment of fungus on the legs folk remedies based on vinegar

Spores of a fungal infection are sensitive not only to soda alkali, but also to acid. The most affordable acid that can be found in any household is vinegar. This substance is the most effective and popular with fungal diseases.

Foot bath with vinegar. For one liter of warm (40-45 ° C) water, take about half a glass of table vinegar (you can also apple). Pour the solution into the basin and lower the legs into it for at least half an hour. If you feel a tingling or tingling of the skin, the concentration of vinegar should be reduced by adding a small amount of water to the basin.

Compresses with vinegar. Dilute 9% vinegar with water (1: 1), moisten the material with the solution (you can use gauze) and apply to the affected areas of the feet. Top with plastic wrap and wear clean socks. Compress works best when left overnight. In the morning, wash your feet thoroughly with household soap or tar soap.

Ointment of vinegar and glycerin. Mix glycerin with natural apple or any other fruit vinegar and treat the affected skin and nails with such ointment. It is necessary to apply means only on the washed legs. Efficiency depends on the regularity of the procedures.

Means, which include vinegar, can be used only if there are no injuries or wounds on the legs. In addition, they are not suitable for people with sensitive skin or dermatological diseases, such as psoriasis, dermatitis or allergies.

Herbal baths for the treatment of fungal infections of the feet

• Baths of lumbago meadow and veronica officinalis. Take a mixture (1: 1) of these herbs in dried form, in the amount of two tablespoons, pour one standard cup of boiling water and warm for another 15 minutes on the steam bath. You can take the roots of these plants, but then they need to cook twice as long. Cool the product to about 40 ° C and hold the feet in it for about half an hour.

• Baths of celandine. Prepare the broth of the celandine (about 100 grams of dry raw material per liter of water), infuse for 7 minutes, strain and cool to body temperature. Foot bath take half an hour. The course of treatment is three weeks, and the procedure should be carried out daily.

• Bath of "Marigold". Dry calendula color - 250 grams - pour a liter of boiling water and insist for half an hour. A quarter of the received means to part with one liter of clear water, to pour out in capacity and to ship in it legs. The rest of the infusion can be stored in the refrigerator. The treatment lasts about 4 weeks.

• Bath with broth oak bark. 3 table. boil spoons of bark into quarters of a liter of water, strain and mix with one liter of frequent water. Keep your feet in such a bath need 15 minutes. Procedures carried out twice a week, for a month.

• Collection for baths: lilac, oak bark, calendula, celandine. Take all the components equally and 2 tables. spoon this collection pour a liter of water, boil. Boil a few minutes, let it brew and wash the feet with this decoction.

• Broth or infusion milkweed. Preparing a decoction is simple: take 4 tables. spoon dry grass and cook it in a liter of water. Take the bath hot.

Treatment of fungus on the feet folk remedies: unusual recipes

For the preparation of antifungal agents can be used quite unexpected components. Here are some of these recipes:

• Baths with washing powder. Fungal infection is afraid of aggressive detergents, which can be called the most common detergent. To take a bath with it, dissolve 100 g of detergent in two liters of water and hold your feet in this solution for 10 minutes. Procedures continue for the next 5 days. Attention! Only hand wash powder is suitable for this treatment. In addition, if a person has an allergy or intolerance to chemicals from the powder, it is best to abandon the use of this tool in favor of a more benign one.

Glue bf. This tool needs to lubricate the affected areas of the feet and nails. The procedure is carried out once a day (overnight) for two weeks.

Urinotherapy for legs. Traditional medicine recommends using your own urine collected in the morning against a fungal infection. Foot baths do one or two times a day, a whole week.

Such tools are very specific and not suitable for many. Moreover, you need to be careful with their use during pregnancy or in the presence of chronic diseases of the skin and internal organs. As for urinotherapy, representatives of official medicine completely deny its effectiveness and expediency.

Means based on components from the refrigerator

Garlic. To apply to the affected parts of the skin, prepare a slurry of garlic and vegetable oil. Another use of this product is to cut a clove of garlic into two slices, dip them in salt and wipe your feet with this pulp.

Sour cream. Lubricate your feet with sour cream before bed (better than high fat). The fungus will disappear after a week.

Bow. Fresh gruel from this vegetable impose on parts of the feet, which struck mycosis. In case you have cracks or sores on the skin, this substance can be mixed with petroleum jelly or liquid paraffin, in equal quantities. In addition, you can use pure onion juice to treat the fungus.

Coffee. It is necessary to boil a strong drink and make baths out of it, pouring both liquid and thick into a basin. Caffeine will destroy the fungus, in addition, the skin of the feet will become smooth and delicate. If you suffer from hypertension, this remedy is not suitable for you, since caffeine can penetrate the skin and cause an increase in pressure.

Egg. Pour a fresh egg with 9% vinegar (so that the liquid covers the egg with the top), soak in a darkened place until the shell is dissolved. After dissolving, remove the film left on the egg, mix the vinegar, in which the egg, yolk and white were, with one teaspoon of soft butter. Grind all components into a homogeneous mass and apply it on the feet, in the places of defeat. This ointment stored in the refrigerator.

Citrus juice. A fungal infection is “afraid” of acid, as mentioned above. Therefore, for its treatment, you can use freshly squeezed juice of any citrus fruits, but lemons and tangerines are best suited. In addition to acid, they also contain active ingredients that not only destroy mycosis, but also restore the skin, contributing to the regeneration of epidermal cells.

Traditional medicine is rich in various means of foot fungus. We hope you will be able to choose from our list exactly the recipe that will help you!


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