What is dangerous stomach spasm, what is it and how to help: doctor's advice. What diseases cause stomach cramps?


A stomach cramp is a temporary contraction of smooth muscles.

When it occurs, a person feels severe pain, reminiscent of a compressive character.

The sensation of pain can last from a few minutes to 2-3 days.

This is an abnormal condition of the body caused by a number of diseases.

Many of them require immediate treatment. But in order that it is necessary to treat, it is necessary to identify the causes of this condition.

Stomach Cramp - Causes

Cramping in the stomach is a response to external stimuli. Unfortunately, a person does not always pay attention to what he eats and what lifestyle he leads. That is why there comes a moment when the body signals to a person about existing problems. Main reasonsprovoking the occurrence of spasm are as follows:

1. Alcohol abuse. Many believe that a spasm can occur only if the drink has a strong strength. But in fact, a weak stomach with gastritis can even react to one drunk glass of wine.

2. Smoking. The smell of tobacco can cause a spasm only because the necessary oxygen is not supplied at the time of smoking. Impurities of tobacco smoke can cause a negative reaction in all cells.

3. Poisoning. Especially when it comes to acute food poisoning, the patient’s code vomits. In this case, the stomach will begin to hurt greatly, which means a spasm appears. There are two reasons for this. Even despite intoxication, food should enter the stomach, at least in small quantities. If this does not happen, the stomach begins to shrink. The second reason is vomiting. After urging her, the muscles will be very tense. With any movement made by a person, a spasm will appear.

4. Binge eating. The stomach is unable to cope with the amount of food received in it. As a result, it responds to overload.

5. Spice. Their large amounts in food cause a stomach reaction.

6. Medications. As a rule, this is Analgin il Baralgin.

7. Stress and stress. The body is in high tension, so it can respond to all this with the occurrence of pain.

8. Carbonated drinks. Few people know that drinking carbonated drinks is very harmful to the body. The substances in them strongly corrode the stomach, and also provoke spasms.

9. Starvation. This applies to those who often follow diets.

10. Infections.

The treatment of spasm depends on what it provoked.

Stomach spasm - diagnosis of possible diseases

Quite often, stomach spasm is a consequence of concomitant diseases:

1. A stomach ulcer.

2. Gastritis.

3. Erosion.

4. Irritable bowel syndrome.

In order to understand how they can affect the occurrence of stomach spasm, you need to consider each disease in more detail.

Stomach ulcer

A stomach ulcer can worsen at a certain time of the year, this suggests that the disease is chronic. In order to cure an ulcer, you need to spend a lot of time and effort. To get rid of severe pain, a person is forced to take medications.

An imbalance of protective and harmful factors in the work of the stomach affects the development of the disease. This leads to a worsening of the condition and the occurrence of spasms.

An ulcer may be revealed due to the fact that one of the parents has already been ill with her. But the disease itself cannot be inherited, only the functions of the stomach are transmitted.

The patient feels severe pain in the upper abdomen. Periodically, it departs to other areas. Against their background, nausea, belching, and vomiting occur.


With gastritis, the membrane of the wall of the stomach becomes inflamed. This leads to an imbalance of work, which means that food is not digested well. If the patient has gastritis, he will experience the following symptoms:

• nausea;

• heartburn;

• stomach spasm;

• weight loss;

Gastritis is treated only after a complete examination, as well as after clarifying the stage of the inflammatory process. The doctor to be consulted in this condition is a gastroenterologist and nutritionist.


A stomach ulcer is a chronic disease. The longer it is not treated, the greater the formation of ulcerative defects on the gastric mucosa. Periodic relapses are characteristic of an ulcer. Basically, it affects men aged 20 to 50 years.

Constant experiences and stresses lead to disruption of the nervous system. This leads to spasms of the muscles of the stomach, which in turn has a detrimental effect on the mucous membrane. From here the onset of ulcers begins.

The main symptom of an ulcer is severe pain. If the patient does not consult a specialist on time, then you can endure such pain indefinitely.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

When there is no infectious or immune inflammation in the stomach, when it is not inhabited by helminths, but it is often disturbed by stool disorder, this is a condition of irritable bowel syndrome. If you donate blood and feces for analysis, then there will be no change in them.

More often people with stress and anxiety suffer from the syndrome. Moreover, this is a vicious circle - emotions affect irritation, and it drives it into a new depression.

The syndrome adversely affects the work of the stomach, from here and cramping. The treatment of the disease mainly consists in following a diet.

Stomach spasm - treatment

Despite the fact that doctors still have not come to a consensus about why stomach spasms still occur, in medical practice there are still certain therapeutic measures. They are aimed at alleviating the condition of their patient.

The first thing to do is to carry out a hollow diagnosis. This will reveal the cause of the disease, as well as establish the fact of concomitant diseases. If it is possible to find the cause, then the patient is prescribed a course of treatment. It can last for many months, and sometimes years.

In order to reduce pain in the patient, he is prescribed antispasmodic drugs - No-shpa, Almagel.

If ulcers or gastritis are detected, a comprehensive treatment is carried out, including proton pump inhibitors. If the diseases are associated with infection, then eridication therapy is prescribed.

The treatment of erosion requires a lot of time, as well as an integrated approach. It is necessary to find out the cause of its occurrence.

The patient should be prescribed diet therapy.

The following foods are completely excluded from the diet:

• fresh bread;

• seasonings, spices;

• rough food;

• smoked dishes;

• coffee and strong tea;

• Too cold and hot food.

You need to adhere to such a diet for 90 days, from the day when the patient began to feel good. A day you need to eat 5-7 times. Before going to bed, drink warm milk, but with a low fat content.

Traditional medicine methods

If a stomach spasm occurs, you can provide first aid with folk remedies. Drink more warm liquid, apply a heating pad to the sore spot. In folk medicine, there are many ways to get rid of stomach spasms. Below are some of them.

Healing baths

If you are constantly tormented by spasms, coniferous baths will come to the rescue. They relax and soothe. The duration of the bath is up to 20 minutes. In this case, the water temperature should be at least 35 degrees.


You need to choose for yourself several types of exercises. They should be aimed at inhibiting peristalsis of the stomach. Every day you need to give them a little time - 5-10 minutes.


Take half of the star anise. Boil water and pour anise with 1 cup. The resulting broth should be completely drunk while warm.

Therapeutic tincture

To prepare it, do the following:

1. Take three sprockets and chop finely.

2. Pour the resulting mixture with 300 milliliters of vodka.

Take two tablespoons of venchal seeds and two tablespoons of caraway seeds, grind well and add to the solution.

3. Insist for 7 days.

4. After this, it is necessary to take 15 grams inside, but only at the time of occurrence of a spasm.

5. The drug must be washed down with water.

Rice Broth

1. Cook the rice broth.

2. Pre-dry the ginger root and add it to the broth.

3. It is important to observe the proportions - for one glass of broth, one pinch of ginger is taken.

4. Once the drug is ready, drink it right away.

Tangerine peels

1. After eating mandarin, do not throw away the crusts, but dry them.

2. Take 20 grams of dried ginger roots and 40 grams of mandarin peels.

3. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients and grind them.

4. Place one tablespoon mixture in a cup and fill it with one glass of boiling water. Cover and let it brew for 10 minutes.

5. If you have a cramp, immediately drink this product.

Drug mixture

In order to prepare the mixture, follow the instructions:

1. Take two tablespoons of medicinal dandelion and thyme. One Art. a spoonful of bitter wormwood and fragrant rue. Mix everything.

2. Add 3 s to the mixture. tablespoons of ordinary viburnum and dogwood.

3. Take off 3 tbsp. sweep spoons place in a separate bowl and pour 1 liter of boiling water.

4. A decoction must be drunk every day at 30 grams.

Based on the same herbal collection, mono prepare an alcohol tincture:

1. Separate 3 tablespoons of herbs.

2. Take a cup of dark color and fill it with herbs.

3. Pour 500 ml of alcohol.

4. Allow the product to brew for 7 days.

5. For two weeks, drink tincture of 25 drops every day.

Stomach spasm - prevention

Quite often, a spasm is taken by surprise and a person simply does not know what to do with it. Especially if there are no pills at hand, and the hospital is far to go. But you can try to remove it yourself. For this you need to sharply stand on tiptoe and lower yourself. Repeat this several times. If a cramp of hands and hands develops from a spasm, then massage is recommended. Also turn on the warm water and place your hands under it. Due to this, blood circulation in the limbs will increase.

The main prevention for stomach cramps is, of course, due attention to yourself and your body. Watch what you eat. No need to go to extremes if you feel healthy and alert. After all, the abuse of bad habits, sodas, fatty foods, sooner or later lead to the fact that there will be problems with the stomach. In order for your body to be healthy, you need to provide it with healthy and proper food, without impurities.

Carefully monitor your nervous system, do not take medicine without special need. Try to maintain emotional calm. After all, all systems in our body are interconnected. And if you start to worry about one thing, it will certainly affect the other.

If you follow these simple rules, you can easily protect yourself from stomach problems. And most importantly, do not neglect a physical examination, even as a preventive measure.
