How to get rid of leg hair: effective methods! What are some terrible consequences for getting rid of leg hair?


What modern women will not do in search of how to get rid of leg hair!

And the thing is that the delicate and silky skin of the legs is recognized as one of the attributes of femininity and beauty.

Let's find out which hair removal methods are better to use and which are hazardous to health.

Long and slender legs attract all men without exception.

And, despite the fact that many men are not particularly peering at the presence of vegetation on these same legs, women do not get tired of racking their brains, wondering how to get rid of hair.

It is advisable at the same time not to harm the skin, get a quick and long-term effect, also "for inexpensive". Unfortunately, inexpensively you can try to remove hair from the legs only at home, since salon methods are quite expensive.

But before getting rid of leg hair, pay attention to the speed of their growth and the abundance of "vegetation" in undesirable places. Sometimes excessive hairiness is not just a physiological feature, but a consequence of disturbances in the functioning of the hormonal system. If the hair began to grow sharply, while it also darkened and became rougher, then you need to see a doctor as soon as possible and analyze the hormonal background. It is possible that after appropriate medical correction, the problem of hairiness will disappear by itself.

The rest of the owners of unsightly “vegetation” on their feet will have to look for the best way for themselves to “defeat” it. In fact, there are plenty of ways, but are they all safe ?!

How to get rid of leg hair: folk remedies

Dear girls and women! In search of beauty, do not grab everything, be careful! There are very dangerous "folk recipes", after which even resuscitation measures do not help!


A very simple recipe that is offered on different forums and sites is to brew datura with boiling water and spread a cool decoction with a bandage (cotton swab) on the place to be depilated. The worst thing about these recipes is that they often recommend sitting baths in a strong solution of grass to remove hair from the lower body.

The results really will not take long: the skin with a plentiful "cobweb" of capillaries, severe dizziness, vomiting, loss of consciousness and paralysis. If you have time to conduct a quick blood purification in the conditions of resuscitation, then it will take at least three days. If you do not react in time, then even a fatal outcome is possible.

And most importantly: will unwanted hair disappear after such a procedure? Hardly!

Manganese solution

There is a theory of the effectiveness of a manganese solution for removing hair both on the legs and in the bikini area. She went, they say, from the recommendations of obstetricians - after childbirth, even today, some women are prescribed repeated frequent washing with a weak pink solution to disinfect wounds. Empirically, women who have gone through this difficult path have figured out how to get rid of leg hair, because after these procedures the hair began to fall out intensively.

Indeed, with frequent use of a solution of manganese, the hair may fall out, but the effect will affect the skin - it will darken in parts, most likely (especially with an overdose of manganese), it will become dry and may begin to peel off. Frankly, this is not the best idea to deal with unwanted hair.


Yes, there are simple and accessible substances for everyone that can affect the condition and growth of hair without causing any particular harm.

The sensational "talker": 2 ml of ammonia, 35 ml of medical alcohol (ethanol), 5 ml of castor oil and 1.5 ml of iodine are mixed, shake well. Be sure to wait until the color of iodine is gone and the mixture becomes transparent. The resulting product is applied to the skin after the hair removal procedure, it is better - a couple of times a day. "Chatterbox" depresses hair follicles, hair stops growing. The recipe is effective, but there is a high risk of allergic reactions and irritation, you can not use it also for people with dry skin type.

Regular pumice

An ancient and quite effective way, requiring perseverance and time. The point is this: during each shower, rub the steamed skin of the feet for a few minutes with pumice. But this does not mean wounding up - it is about light, neat movements. Hair does disappear, but this will require multiple repetitions of the procedure.


The green peel of nuts has a destructive effect on the roots of the hair, as does the tincture (decoction) of the partitions of walnuts (possibly pine nuts). Hair stops growing, but the procedure needs to be done many times. The effect is accelerated if you lubricate the skin immediately after hair removal.

There is a nuance: the green peel stains the treated skin strongly and for a long time, so for the summer, the way, to put it mildly, is not suitable.

How to get rid of leg hair: shaving and hair removal

Probably the most popular way to get rid of leg hair is shaving your legs. Hair removal efficiency with a razor 100%. The main thing in the procedure is the quality of the shaving products (gel, cream, foam, lotion), and the razor itself. Disposable machines also shave off the hairs, but they do it unevenly and not deeply enough. This problem has led to the appearance on the market of special machines for women, which provide optimal shaving.

The method is very fast, painless, and not very expensive. But there is a flip side to the coin. After shaving (even with the best razor), hair grows quickly. Usually, bristles appear in two days and the procedure needs to be repeated. In addition, with poor handling, even a "safe" machine can be seriously injured. And after shaving in many women, hair begins to grow into the skin, and in this place abscesses can form.

But with skillful handling and humility with the regularity of the procedure, it becomes a habit, like brushing your teeth, and is taken for granted.

After shaving, it is good to lubricate the skin with a mixture of olive oil with lemon - it slows down hair growth, relieves irritation and preserves skin tenderness.

How to get rid of leg hair: depilation creams, wax, shugaring

When does the cream make sense?

Depilation cream is sold everywhere today, and the choice is quite large. The cream allows you to quickly remove hair without damaging the skin on the depilation area. The cream acts as a solvent - the hair becomes soft and easily comes off the root.

The method, as a rule, is painless, consists in applying the cream to the right places with the help of a special spatula (included in the package), wait for a certain time specified by the manufacturer, and rinse off the substance with warm water. The effect of the cream lasts a little longer than that of the razor.

But, like any other method, depilation with cream has features. The creams contain an active component, sulfur, which gives them an unpleasant odor, and can also cause, in combination with other ingredients, skin intolerance or allergies.

To prevent complications, it is better to conduct a sensitivity test - apply a cream on the skin of the arm in the elbow for a couple of hours. If the skin in this place has not reddened, does not itch and there is no rash, then the cream can be safely used.

Foot wax

With a great desire, salon hair removal procedures can be successfully carried out at home, but there are some risks. Indeed, wax strips and the “professional” wax itself are sold widely in stores, but you need to be able to use them. Firstly, the wax is applied to the skin hot, and inexperience can be very burned. Secondly, the procedure is very painful, and anesthetizing sprays are often used in salons. Thirdly, with poor handling after waxing hair grows in hair and pustules form.

Sugaring, or sugar paste hair removal

At home, shugaring, too, at first seems to be of little interest to how to get rid of leg hair, but more and more adherents are gaining this method. Its advantage is the relative cheapness and effectiveness.

Pasta is prepared as follows:

1. mix a pound of sugar, 40 ml of lemon juice and 50 ml of water in a small saucepan (with a lid),

2. On a small fire under the lid, the sugar melts for 6 minutes, mix, cover again;

3. after 6 minutes, remove the lid from the pan and cook the paste, stirring for another 14-15 minutes until the color of amber;

4. Pour (necessarily!) The finished product into the dishes with a tight-fitting lid.

If pasta is left in a saucepan, it will be digested and burned.

The finished paste is applied to the skin and hair removal is performed, and if the consistency is rare, it can be used for hair removal in strips, tearing them together with hairs.

Combined method

The combination of hair removal (pulling) with depilation cream promises a super effect. After thoroughly treating the necessary surfaces with an epilator, shugaring, wax, in extreme cases, tweezers, a depilation cream is applied to this same surface two hours later. In principle, any cream works, but "Veet 3 minutes" works best, especially for sensitive areas. After this treatment, the bulk of the hairs ceases to grow. As such procedures are performed on the "stood" hairs, there will be less and less of them.

But do not use the cream for longer than indicated by the manufacturer, as it may result in a severe chemical burn. And one more thing: the method does not work on shaved hair, the effect will be only after complete removal along with the subcutaneous shaft.

How to get rid of leg hair: photoepilation and other cardinal measures

If we talk about cardinal measures at home, then this is a regular epilator, which is a razor-type machine, instead of blades, which have many tweezers. They spin quickly, and massively tear out hair with the root. Not everyone can use the epilator - women with sensitive skin and with a lot of hair can not stand the pain during the procedure.

Salon treatments

Electrolysis also very painful, but it guarantees the absence of hair for a long time. Although with endocrine disorders, it also can not stand - the hair will grow back.

Laser removal. Today is one of the most effective and safe methods. However, the laser does not remove bleached and gray hair, and it will take up to 10 procedures (and they are not cheap).

Elos Motif HR - You can say innovation. The device removes not only dark, but light and thin hair. It affects both the radio and the light energy on the hair shaft, heating it together with the bulb. The latter is finally destroyed and the hair no longer grows. The method is effective, but expensive.

Photoepilation - hair removal using high-pulse light, destroying the hair follicle with the help of thermal energy. It can be used by almost everyone, with any hair color and the most sensitive skin.

So, beautiful ladies, there is no reason to despair - the scope for action is very wide, and these are not all the ways to get rid of leg hair! Try it and you will surely find a way to make your legs irresistible!


Watch the video: 4 Mistakes You Make Shaving Your Legs (June 2024).