Parenting preschool children psychology


The education of children of preschool age is a multifaceted complex process, as a result of which a personality is formed. In fact, everything that kids learn in their early and preschool years is the foundation.

As soon as the baby begins to confidently stand on its feet and learn the world, the educational process immediately begins.

Parenting preschool children methods and objectives

All tasks in essence boil down to the fact that the future student harmoniously develops, adapts well in society, learns the norms of behavior, and learns how to make independent decisions.
Methodsthat adults use in relation to preschool children may be different. Among them are:

  • authoritarian;
  • inductive;
  • through hate.

Types of education - physical education of children of preschool age

The educational process is multifaceted. Physical culture is an indispensable component of it. Choose preschoolers there is nothing.

Swimming, dancing, gymnastics, football, active outdoor games, even morning exercises are all necessary and important.

The main thing to determine what the crumbs want more. Before voicing anything out loud, it is better to consult with the doctor, so that in case of a ban not to injure the baby.

Moral education of the child

Preschool moral education is no less important. Kids quickly learn what is "good" and what is "bad." Certain moral qualities are developed over time.

If at first the baby is waiting for praise from adults for any actions, then over time he begins to act correctly at the level of intuition.

How to start raising patriotism in a child

Moral and patriotic the upbringing of the child is an important stage in the formation of the personality It begins with the love of the world. The concept of a small and big Motherland, the spirit of patriotism, pride in their nation - these are just a few of the things that preschoolers have to instill.

Even an ordinary walk through the city will be useful and informative. No less important is reading literature, trips to monuments, visiting local history museums.

Kids pay attention to the flags hung in honor of the holidays, it is interesting to them to take part in laying flowers to the monuments.

Features of child rearing

Features of the educational process within the family for preschoolers are that parents use different methods.

With authoritarian children, regardless of age, have to learn unquestioning obedience. The main parent here, and the baby is essentially in the role of a soldier (executive or not).

Inductive the method allows the younger generation to take the initiative, here parents are already partly adjusting to the baby, and if they manage, then somehow, on the sly.

Both methods have their pros and cons, but there is another one based on nurturing hate feelings. It is difficult to find a rational grain in it, although many parents practice it without a twinge of conscience.

In essence, relationships are built here on ultimatums, reproaches, and a punishment system. Even if the baby begins to be obedient for a short time, then with age it will simply withdraw into itself. There can be no talk of any contact with parents in the future.

Patterns of education of children of preschool age

The preschool period has a number of patterns. In fact, the preschool age covers the period from 3 to 6-7 years. It was at this time that the foundation was laid for the future.

Personality formation occurs at this age. A sense of pride, respect for elders, a manifestation of love for others - all the makings are formed, and skills are honed.

Everything that the kids will take as a basis and will absorb at the pre-school preparation stage will continue to find its development.

Raising a culture of behavior in a child

Raising culture in older and younger children is no easy task. Politeness, respect, the ability to share and give in are not all that children need to learn before school.

Attitudes towards animals, behavior in public places, the manner of communicating with peers and adults - all the makings that distinguish a culturally developed person are laid at the very preschool age.

The role of the family in raising a child

Not everyone attends preschool. Even in the case when caregivers are present and coordinate the actions of children, the role of the family in the upbringing of children of preschool age is almost impossible to overestimate.

Ideally, the caregiver and parents should complement each other. An important element is self-education. Here come to the aid developmental programs and educational cartoons.

But the task to find high-quality and interesting material for kids lies entirely on adults.


Watch the video: This is the Key to Calm Parenting (July 2024).