What is the dream of the train


What the train dreams about - according to Miller’s dream book

Dreaming train portends a journey. You saw yourself in a composition moving forward very slowly, because there were no rails under it - you will be very worried about the matter, which will eventually become the main source of your well-being. We saw a freight train in a dream - wait for a change for the better; lay on the top shelf of the car - in the next trip you will be accompanied by an unpleasant fellow traveler, and spend money aimlessly.

What the train dreams about - according to Vanga’s dream book

See the train in a dream - you will yearn. A moving train dreams of a period in life filled with feelings of longing and sadness. Get on the train - wait for change; stay in it - the time is approaching, in which the plot and the situation of your dream will completely repeat. For example, if you saw a lot of luggage in a dream, then you will soon have to worry and take care of your loved ones. A long train is a long period in real life.

What the train dreams of - according to Freud’s dream book

The dream in which you travel by train signifies that everything will continue to be mundane and subject to circumstances. If you are late for the train, then miss your chance; change should be avoided. We entered the carriage - you will return to your usual life. We got out of the car — to responsible work and change.

What the train dreams about - in the modern dream book

Seen in a dream a train - to an invitation, opportunity, a new undertaking with an ultimate goal; symbol of time, thinking. You ride in it - to longing; change still needs time. Railway - you do not choose the path of life yourself.

What the train dreams about - according to Loff's dream book

Compared to other vehicles, trains have a relatively low speed. A close company of travel companions is conducive to the fact that passengers on these trips evoke associations with a touch of romanticism. Dreams with a train report that the dreamer has hope for a new love affair. Often dreams of an affair with a fellow traveler.

What the train dreams of - according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

I dreamed that you were going on a train - to an important invitation; pass wagons - count years (months); the composition itself is time.

If in a dream you ride a train, tram or electric train and suddenly the path breaks off, your life will soon fade away.

Late for the train - miss the chance, you will avoid change; entered the carriage - you will return to your usual life.

What the train dreams about - according to Hasse's dream book

When you dream of a passenger train, it means that serious changes are coming in your life; commodity - to profit from trade; fast - to soon realize your aspirations; the composition went off the rails - luck will leave.

What the train dreams about - according to Meneghetti’s dream book

Since the train is a mechanical means of transportation, for Inse, it is associated with a life system that seems functional, but is actually fragmented. A parallel can be drawn between her and the growing social success of the sleeper. The train is a symbol of the journey and at first glance seems right and worthy. For some time, it provides a person with a calm life, and then merciless sounds of gears are heard that grind the subject. I dreamed that you got off the train - to the positive news.

What the train dreams about - according to Longo's dream book

Freight train - to boredom and painful time; unnecessary, boring affairs and relationships; additional load.

A fast career is foreshadowed by a dream in which you quickly rush in the line-up composition.

Meet the train - to a business proposal; to see how someone else gets off the train - to an invitation through a friend; to go by train - to an important invitation; trackless - wait for changes in your personal life.


Watch the video: . u200e. u200e. u200eTrain Dream Interpretation (June 2024).