A carbohydrate-free diet - a detailed description and useful tips. Reviews on a carbohydrate-free diet and sample recipes.


A carbohydrate-free diet - description and general principles

The essence of this diet can already be understood from its name, however, it is based not on the complete absence of carbohydrates, but on their minimum content in the diet. With the complete exclusion of carbohydrates from food, serious metabolic disorders can occur. Therefore, with a carbohydrate-free diet, carbohydrates are still consumed, but so that no more than 250 calories are delivered to them.

Why do people lose weight by abandoning carbohydrates? Firstly, they have a very high calorie content, so a reduction in their consumption leads to a decrease in the calorie content of the daily diet. This is especially important when a person leads a sedentary lifestyle and consumes little energy, which means that all of it is stored in the form of fat.

Further, carbohydrates are quickly broken down, saturating the blood with glucose (especially sugar, light cereals, flour products, starchy vegetables and fruits). This leads to the release of insulin and a drop in blood sugar, which provokes a feeling of hunger and the consumption of more food.

In addition, given that carbohydrates are the main suppliers of energy to the body, when they are lacking, it begins to compensate for energy losses by processing fat. First, the body produces energy by processing glycogen (animal starch, accumulated in the liver and muscles), and then - fatty tissue. Thus, the main goal of any diet is achieved - burning body fat reserves.

The main rules of a carbohydrate-free diet are as follows:

- it is forbidden to drink for half an hour after eating;
- for frying, you can use only olive a little;
- you should adhere to a fractional diet, taking food at least 5 times a day;
- The last time you can eat no later than 20.00.

By strictly limiting the amount of carbohydrates in the diet and following these simple rules, you can get rid of 10 kilograms in just two weeks. However, given that a carbohydrate-free diet refers to rigid diets, the approach to it should be very careful. It is best to consult a doctor about the possibility of its use in order to avoid health complications. Those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or liver, blood vessels or heart should completely abstain from such a diet. Also, a carbohydrate-free diet is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women. With this diet, the basis of the diet is protein, so the kidneys responsible for removing the products of its decay from the body experience an increased load. So, a carbohydrate-free diet is strictly contraindicated for people with kidney disease.

Carbohydrate-free diet - what foods can you eat

The use of products such as fish, poultry, meat, cottage cheese and cheese is practically not controlled with a carbohydrate-free diet. However, preference in the preparation of the diet should be given to vegetables, root crops, citrus fruits and berries.

A carbohydrate-free diet - which foods should not be consumed

During a carbohydrate-free diet, you can eat very varied, however, you should categorically refuse
bread and pasta; potatoes; porridge; sugar, honey, jam; sweet curd masses and yoghurts; beer and alcoholic beverages; all sweet fruits; nuts and seeds in large quantities.

Carbohydrate-Free Diet - Menu Examples

One of the advantages of a low-carb diet is the relatively large variety of dishes and products from which you can make a tasty, albeit unbalanced, menu. Here are examples of such a menu for several days.

1. It should be divided into 5 receptions 250 gr. lean meat without salt (chicken, rabbit, veal) and 400 ml of freshly squeezed vegetable juice. Also, you can drink 2 cups of green tea per day (of course, without sugar).

2. Should be divided into 5 receptions 400 gr. lean meat without salt and 300 gr. vegetables, you can also drink during the day 200 ml of broth of wild rose and 200 ml of unsweetened green tea.

3. It should be divided into 5 receptions 200 gr. lean fish or meat, half grapefruit, 2 boiled eggs, 200 gr. green salad, 50 gr. lean ham and 100 ml of grapefruit juice. You can also drink a cup of black coffee and 2 cups of green tea per day.

4. It is necessary to divide into 5 receptions 1 grapefruit (or orange), 2 boiled eggs, 200 ml of fat-free kefir, 200 gr. lean meat, 200 gr. vegetable salad. You can also have a cup of coffee and 2 cups of green tea.

5. It should be divided into 5 receptions 100 gr. cheese, 200 gr. sour cream or cottage cheese of any fat content, 200 gr. broth (fish or meat), 200 gr. vegetables, 200 gr. boiled fish or meat. You can also drink 2 cups of green tea and a cup of coffee per day.

Carbohydrate-Free Diet - Useful Tips and Reviews

So, to get rid of extra pounds with a carbohydrate-free diet, you need to reduce your carbohydrate intake to 40 grams. in a day. In order to get the maximum effect from the diet and prevent its negative impact on the body, we advise you to follow some rules.

So, in the first week of a diet, it is better to try to make a diet in this way. so that carbohydrate intake is not more than 20 grams. in a day. This will help the body to tune properly and begin to process fats faster.

If constipation begins while following a carbohydrate-free diet, you should not panic, you need to start taking medications and vitamins to mitigate this unpleasant phenomenon.

During the observance of a carbohydrate-free diet, the body should be provided with the necessary amount of liquid, drinking at least 1.5 liters of water (by the way, this is also useful for preventing constipation).

When the first week of the diet ends, you need to give the body a rest and triple it with a two-day carbohydrate load (preferably vegetables and fruits with a low glycemic index), however, fat intake on these days must be reduced. This is to prevent a decrease in hormones in the body. After such a carbohydrate load, you can again return to a carbohydrate-free diet.

If we judge the effectiveness of this diet by the reviews of those who have tried it on themselves, then most note its good performance and rapid weight loss. However, some report worsening conditions (dizziness, headache, weakness, drowsiness). On the other hand, it is difficult to find a diet that would not be accompanied by the listed phenomena. Therefore, if you do not have contraindications for a carbohydrate-free diet, you can also try it to make up your mind.


Eugene 12.16.2016
Girls tell me, is it possible to eat fried meat, poultry with skin on this diet? Otherwise I’ve been eating like this for a week + vegetables total of -300gr is somehow not enough excess weight is decent about 20kg

krtrp 10.24.2016
I sit on it for the first 5 days -4 kg, but I eat little protein in the main egg protein

Kristina 05/20/2016
Hello. I stayed on this diet for 2 months. The first month I threw off exactly 10 kg. The second month I relaxed a bit but started to run in the evenings and threw off 15 kg. Why didn’t I starve this diet. So, good luck

Chubby))) 03/21/2016
How many diets I have tried, God alone knows! Weight leaves, comes, leaves again, and comes ... Two weeks ago I read about a carbohydrate-free diet, I sat on it for a week, now I'm resting. I want to say that the result is fast and not difficult to achieve. I’m so used to eating what you need ... probably without diets and I won’t be able to now))

Dasha 03/21/2016
I tried this diet last year, but as it turned out, I'm not doing well with the kidneys. I had to refuse. But for the time that I followed a diet (about 8 days), I built 6 kilograms. I think this is a good result. So, if there are no contraindications, feel free to choose this diet, it will certainly help.


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