22 week of pregnancy. Fetal development and sensations at 22 weeks of gestation.


At the 22nd week of pregnancy, the expectant mother already feels within herself the stirring of her baby, and this is one of the most wonderful feelings of pregnancy and an important indicator of the normal development of the baby. At this time, women, inspired by their pregnancy, are actively engaged in arranging a nursery, buying toys and other cute little things.

Changes in the body at 22 weeks of gestation

If the pregnancy is proceeding well and the future mother has not revealed any complications, then at 22 weeks her well-being is quite satisfactory. Inevitable companions of the second half of pregnancy in the form of heartburn, bloating, periodic dizziness are no longer so painful for a woman. At this time, there is a steady increase in her weight. If it is insufficient, then this may indicate gestosis (late toxicosis). However, the mother should not panic prematurely, because if her weight was initially small, then the body first makes up for the missing kilograms that are so necessary for it to function fully during the gestation of the baby.

By the 22nd week of pregnancy, the woman’s tummy becomes even more rounded, and still, her uterus has now reached only half the size that it will acquire by childbirth. Now its bottom can be felt at a height of 2 cm above the navel.

The condition of the fetus at 22 weeks of gestation

By week 22, the baby becomes even more like a normal person. Due to the increase in the layer of subcutaneous fat, his skin folds are smoothed out. The active development of the fetal brain continues, in which a complete set of neurons, as well as its nervous system, has already been formed. The coordination of the movements of the baby improves. He can make head movements, throw handles behind his head, touch his face. By week 22, a change in the proportions of the body, approaching the natural look, becomes very noticeable. An increase in bone density occurs.

The growth of the baby at this time is about 28 cm, the weight reaches 500 g.

Possible sensations at 22 weeks of gestation

At 22 weeks, the expectant mother may suffer from anemia - an imbalance between the number of red blood cells, red blood cells, and their decay. Anemia leads to weakness, increased fatigue, dizziness. This happens because by the 22nd week in the body of a pregnant woman there is an increase in blood demand by about 40%. Red blood cells deliver oxygen to organs and systems. Their main component is hemoglobin, and the presence of anemia is determined by the level of its content in the blood of a pregnant woman. A normal hemoglobin content of 12 g / l is considered. Iron supplements are usually used to treat anemia.

At this time, pregnant women often face a problem such as hemorrhoids. It occurs due to the expansion of blood vessels inside and near the anus. The best prophylactic against hemorrhoids in pregnant women is the use of foods rich in fiber (bran, porridge from unpeeled whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetable salads, vinaigrettes, fermented milk products). If hemorrhoids still happened, a pregnant woman should consult a doctor who will prescribe a safe and effective treatment.

At week 22, many expectant mothers notice an increase in the amount of secretions. If they are light or mucous and are not accompanied by itching, then you should not worry. The presence of an unpleasant odor, itching, their greenish or brown color is an occasion to consult a doctor.

Also, the expectant mother may have bleeding and soreness of the gums at this time. To solve this problem, you should choose the appropriate toothpaste and take multivitamin preparations.

Often pregnant women from 22 weeks may complain of nosebleeds and nasal congestion. Panic about this should not be, at such a time it is considered the norm. Nasal congestion should be combated with a drop in the nose based on sea salt, which are completely safe for the unborn baby.

At 22 weeks, the expectant mother may notice that her libido has increased. If pregnancy proceeds normally, without contraindications, then you should not refuse sex, since at this stage sex can not harm the fetus, which is reliably protected by the amniotic membranes.

Necessary medical supervision

At week 22, studies are conducted aimed at identifying abnormalities in the development of the fetus. It's time to go through the third planned ultrasound, during which the doctor will pay special attention to the structure of the baby's body, checking the development of his limbs and musculoskeletal system (legs, fingers, spine), internal organs (kidneys, heart, brain). He also examines the phalanges of the fingers, the upper lip (so that it is not "cleft"), and see how the child moves. Mom and dad of the child will finally be able to find out his gender, and then go on an exciting shopping trip to buy clothes for his crumbs, because the time of birth is approaching, after which parents are unlikely to find time for such shopping (probably the most beautiful thing in the world )

General recommendations

Many pregnant women by the 22nd week already suffer greatly from edema, so the issue of the amount of fluid that should be consumed by the expectant mother is relevant. However, it is not quantity that matters, but quality. You should limit drinks such as strong tea, coffee, carbonated drinks and juices in bags that are more harmful than beneficial, and give preference to clean water, fresh juices, diluted water, fruit drinks and fruit compotes. You also need to drink less at night to prevent swelling and frequent urination. With the appearance of edema, it is better to abandon salty foods that increase thirst and retain fluid in the body. Perhaps the doctor considers it necessary to prescribe diuretics, and without consulting a doctor, mom can take a rosehip decoction, which will also help strengthen her immunity.

Weekly Pregnancy Calendar:


Zhenya 08/26/2016
And at that time I managed to expose myself to hypothermia. As a result, bacterial vaginosis. Metrogil's vaginal gel literally in 6 days helped me recover. If it weren’t for him, I don’t even know what result hypothermia could have caused. Future mothers, be very careful!

Zhenya 08/26/2016
And at that time I managed to expose myself to hypothermia. As a result, bacterial vaginosis. Metrogil's vaginal gel literally in 6 days helped me recover. If it weren’t for him, I don’t even know what result hypothermia could have caused. Future mothers, be very careful!

Ira 03/29/2016
I already know for sure that there will be a boy. It already weighs 540 g, the real Ilya Muromets. Only as a son I can’t bring up the mind. All hope for dad.

Marisha 03/29/2016
I am so glad that all the troubles described in the article for 22 weeks passed me safely. My baby and I are already used to each other. I talk to him, sing songs. I am the happiest!!!

Vera 03/29/2016
My pregnancy was proceeding normally, but by week 22, hemoglobin was slightly below normal. Gynecologist Sorbifer appointed. Let's see if it helps or not.


Watch the video: Normal Fetal Movement and Growth. Kaiser Permanente (June 2024).