36 week of pregnancy. Fetal development and sensation at 36 weeks of gestation.


The difficult period of bearing a child is coming to an end. At thirty-sixth week, the pregnant woman already clearly realizes that the expectation of the baby is a rather hard work, on which not only the health of the mother, but also the well-being of her child depends. With the advent of extra kilos, it is becoming increasingly difficult for a woman to move around and do homework, so it’s very good if she has assistants at this time.

Child development at 36 weeks gestation

At the thirty-sixth week, the fetus already weighs quite a lot, on average about three kilograms. Its length is forty-seven centimeters, and the diameter of its head reaches eight centimeters. The kid has already accumulated the necessary amount of subcutaneous fat and has become quite well-fed. His skin became velvety and pale pink, there is practically no fluffy hair on it, since it is covered with greasy grease. The cilia and eyebrows of the baby are already clearly visible, and hairs on the head are noticeably thicker. The fingers on the child’s arms and legs cover the long nails, the indentations and curls of the outer ear are fully formed and become dense.

Every day, the space in the uterine cavity for active movements of the baby is becoming smaller, but the shocks and bumps are still noticeable. The fetus has already taken its final position, most likely that such a presentation will persist until the end of gestation. Most often, the head is the underlying part, but sometimes it can be the baby's pelvis.

All the internal organs of the child are already well developed, his brain is fully capable. The heart rate is one hundred forty to one hundred and fifty beats per minute. Heart sounds became clear and clearly distinguishable. The lungs of the fetus contain a large amount of surfactant and after the birth the baby will be able to breathe on its own.

By the end of pregnancy, the placenta gradually fades. Its thickness is thirty-five and a half millimeters, and it still reliably copes with its functions. However, with its premature aging, placental insufficiency develops, which leads to oxygen starvation and a lag in the growth and development of the fetus.

Changes in the female body at 36 weeks of gestation

Expecting a baby, a woman sometimes becomes a little moody and irritable. Such changes in her mental state are associated with many fears and doubts that arise during pregnancy. By the end of the third trimester, convulsions in the arms and legs, pain in the thigh joints and pubis, and heaviness in the lower back and spine often appear. Some women are faced with an exacerbation of such an unpleasant disease as hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoidal nodules falling out of the anus, deliver a lot of discomfort, itch and cause small bleeding. It is worth telling your doctor about these symptoms, he will competently select the necessary treatment that will help to alleviate the state of health.

Dangerous symptoms at 36 weeks of gestation

Bloody discharge, especially in combination with abdominal pain, are signs that indicate placental abruption that requires an immediate emergency call. Yellowish or whitish liquid discharge may turn out to be amniotic fluid. At the slightest suspicion of their outflow, it is urgent to go to the maternity hospital. White curdled discharge may be evidence of vaginal infection. They are a serious reason for visiting a doctor and prescribing timely treatment.

Nutrition of the future mother

At 36 weeks, a pregnant's nutrition should be no less high-calorie than before. The diet should be made taking into account the reduced energy consumption for a given waiting period for the baby. But at the same time, you need to eat fully, focusing on food rich in vitamins and minerals. The intake of animal fats and simple carbohydrates should be limited. The fetus during this period should not lack nutrients in order to avoid further developmental lag and reduce its viability.

All products consumed must be safe. It is necessary to strictly monitor the expiration date, properly handle and store. Do not get involved in exotic fruits to avoid poisoning. You need to eat often, but in small portions. The amount of fluid drunk should not exceed much one liter per day. Approximately once every seven days, you can arrange fasting days, freeing the body from excess water. Do not eat at night, eat sweet and salty foods, as well as products from butter and shortcrust pastry.

Tests and examinations

At 36 weeks of gestation, a blood test for syphilis and AIDS, a biochemical blood test, and a swab from the vagina are repeated. At this time, it is necessary to conduct the last ultrasound examination, during which the condition of the placenta, the weight and height of the fetus, its presentation and position in the uterus, as well as the quality and quantity of amniotic fluid, are evaluated.

If all the results of the examination are satisfactory, the pregnant woman continues a weekly visit to the doctor and regularly passes a general urinalysis. In the event that any violations are detected in the condition of the child or pregnant, the woman is taken under special medical supervision, the necessary medications are prescribed and additional studies are carried out.

Weekly Pregnancy Calendar:


Katya 12.12.2016
How do you want to extend the remaining weeks))) so that they are remembered forever !!!! Stopping the time ... It's just wonderful when you have a small miracle inside ... Thank God !!!!!!!

Marika 08/25/2016
If bacterial vaginosis does not last for a long time, you need to try other drugs, and also give a smear for PCR diagnosis of chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma to your partner. If necessary, be treated together. I also walked in a circle with Terzhinan, my husband was healthy, and I always toiled with bacterial vaginosis. I turned to another gynecologist who prescribed a vaginal gel metrogil and he helped immediately. After the first course, 3 months was healthy, and after the second, it was already the seventh month without any problems.

Yaroslav 04.04.2016
36 weeks ... But they flew by like one day! I remember the moment when I found out about pregnancy - fortunately there was no chapel. And I remember all these toxicosis, stretch marks, heartburn, etc., but this is all secondary. The main thing is that soon my baby will be in my hands!

Chamomile 04/06/2016
I wake up at night, and I can’t fall asleep, but I want to sleep so much! Weight is not fast, but arrives. Actually, zhor will attack, then apathy for food. I think about childbirth constantly, I'm afraid. Indeed, something can happen during childbirth itself ... I know that you need to drop such thoughts, but it does not always work out.

Lika 04/06/2016
And for some reason my ribs hurt me! We have to raise our hands, somehow install them so that we don’t press on our ribs)) I began to collect a little dowry for my already beloved daughter. A friend, also pregnant, had long ago gathered herself everything she needed.


Watch the video: Your Changing Pregnant Body, At 33-36 Weeks Pregnant. Kaiser Permanente (June 2024).