Muffins in milk - he will like you and me! Recipes of wonderful milk muffins with chocolate, nuts, bananas, apples, cherries


Muffins are very interesting flour products. Despite their similarities, they should not be confused with muffins. The technology of kneading and baking is different.

If the cupcake dough can be poured into a general shape, cook a large pie, cut into pieces when served, then this will not work with muffins. They are always small, beautiful and neat.

Muffins in milk - general principles of preparation

Milk dough for muffins is lightweight, easy to prepare. Unlike classic muffins, sugar is added less to muffins. Flour is mainly used wheat, other types are very rare in the dough. Also, when kneading, eggs are added, baking powder is sure to fall asleep.

How to diversify the taste:

• fruits and berries;

• dried fruits;

• chocolate;

• nuts.

For flavor, vanilla and various spices can be added to the dough. The mass is thoroughly mixed, laid out in small molds. They can be paper or silicone. The volume of the test usually does not exceed 2/3 cups.

Muffins from milk dough are baked at 180-190 degrees. The average time is from 15 to 25 minutes. But you should always focus on the capabilities of the oven and the size of the products. It is better to additionally make a puncture with a toothpick, check readiness.

Muffins in milk with raisins

A very popular and well-known recipe for muffins in milk with raisins. The dough is tender, easy and quick to prepare, which is important for many.


• 2 tbsp. flour;

• milk 120 ml;

• 2 tsp cultivator;

• two eggs;

• 100 g of oil;

• a glass of sugar (maybe a little less);

• 100 g of raisins, vanilla.


1. Rinse quickly, pour hot water and leave for a while. Let it swell a little while the dough is preparing.

2. We take two bowls. Pour dry products into one: flour, immediately throw a pinch of fine salt, add to them a prescription baking powder and vanilla.

3. In another bowl, combine the eggs and sugar, first introduce the milk, and then the melted or very soft butter. Stir this mixture thoroughly.

4. Combine flour with dry ingredients and milk mass. Stir until smooth.

5. We return to raisins. It should already have swelled a little and become soft. Wring it with your hands from the water, throw it into the dough.

6. All quickly stir.

7. We take a spoon, lay out the dough in small cupcake tins, but it is unnecessary to fill up to the top, just a little more than half.

8. We send to bake in the oven.

Chocolate muffins in milk with cocoa

A recipe for chocolate muffins in milk. The dough is kneaded on cocoa powder. It is important that it is high-quality and dark. Only in this case, the pastries will be aromatic and chocolate.


• milk 100 grams;

• 140 grams of sugar;

• cocoa 3 tablespoons;

• 240 grams of flour;

• 150 grams of margarine / butter;

• two eggs;

• 8 g baking cultivator.


1. Take the margarine (or butter) from the refrigerator in advance, cut into cubes, expect softening.

2. Put the margarine in a cup, begin to beat with a mixer. Once the mass is lighter, you can add prescription sugar. Beat together.

3. Introduce the dough for the muffin eggs, one by one, into the future, carefully break the clots with a mixer.

4. Pour the milk. So that there are no lumps of oil, the temperature of the products should be the same, and add gradually.

5. Combine flour and cocoa with a cultivator, add a drop of salt.

6. Combine the wet and dry mix. Stir the chocolate dough.

7. We take a spoon, put the mass in molds and immediately send to bake, do not let the muffins stand in the heat.

8. After baking, cool, remove from molds, decorate with powder if desired.

Muffins in milk "Banana"

A variant of very fragrant and unusual muffins in milk. If the bananas are large, then take two pieces. If the fruits are small, then use 3 things.


• 100 g of milk;

• a pair of eggs;

• 2 tbsp. flour;

• 100 g sugar;

• vanilla;

• 30 g of oil;

• 2 tsp baking cultivator;

• 2 bananas.


1. Peel the bananas, break them first into pieces, then knead with a fork to gruel. You can just beat the blender to puree.

2. Add the eggs and sugar to the bananas, pour in the vegetable oil, throw the salt, a small pinch enough, stir.

3. Introduce boiled but chilled milk, bring the mass to homogeneity.

4. Separately, you need to combine vanilla with a cultivator and flour.

Fill the dough with a loose mixture, stir.

5. Now you need to decompose the banana mass in tins. Bake until cooked for about 25-30 minutes.

Sour milk apple muffins

A wonderful recipe for fragrant muffins to help identify sour milk. Good housewives don’t lose anything! Instead of sour milk, you can take kefir.


• 200 ml of sour milk;

• flour 0.3 kg;

• bag of a cultivator;

• 1 egg;

• sugar 110 g;

• 60 ml of vegetable oil;

• salt;

• cinnamon, a little powder;

• two apples.


1. Add sugar, a drop of salt to kefir and break one egg. If it is small, then it is allowed to take two pieces. Shake the ingredients to make the mixture homogeneous.

2. Add cinnamon (optional) and vegetable oil, stir again.

3. Now pour flour and a cultivator, stir the dough, set aside for a couple of minutes.

4. During this time, you need to rinse the apples, peel, cut into small pieces, about one centimeter in size

5. Pour apples into the dough in sour milk, stir.

6. We shift the apple dough into miniature molds.

7. Set to bake. Bring muffins to readiness. When checking, we make sure that the toothpick does not get into the apple, in this case it will be wet and not ready to determine.

8. We take out the baked products, we cool.

9. Mix a couple of teaspoons of powder and a pinch of cinnamon (optional), sprinkle cooled muffins.

Cherry Muffins in Milk

Cherry for such muffins can be taken fresh or frozen. In an extreme case, canned berries are suitable, but they need to be put in a colander so that the glass is excess moisture.


• 250 ml of milk;

• 3 eggs;

• 170 g of cherries;

• 2 tablespoons of starch;

• 550 g flour;

• 180 g of sugar;

• 10 g of ripper;

• 50 ml of oil.


1. Take three eggs, break, add sugar and beat with a mixer for a couple of minutes.

2. To the beaten eggs add milk, stir.

3. We introduce vegetable oil into the dough. If necessary, you can melt the same amount of margarine or vegetable oil, any confectionery fat.

4. Add two spoons with a mountain of starch to the flour, pour the baking powder, for a flavor, throw a pinch of vanilla or pour a little cinnamon. Stir.

5. Combine the ingredients of the dough. Stir until smooth.

6. Free cherries.

7. We shift the berries into the dough, stir.

8. We spread the cherry dough into molds, rearrange it on a baking sheet, bake until cooked.

Nut muffins in milk

A recipe for very fragrant muffins. It is best to use walnuts or hazelnuts. Although, peanuts also turn out delicious.


• a glass of milk;

• two eggs;

• two tbsp. flour;

• 70 g of nuts;

• a glass of sugar;

• 4 tablespoons of oil;

• ripper package.


1. Stir the eggs and sugar, introduce milk. We mix until the grains dissolve, you can immediately add a pinch of salt.

2. Enter the vegetable oil.

3. Combine flour and baking powder, you can sift together, the dough will be better.

4. Combine all the ingredients, mix.

5. Nuts chopped finely or coarsely, as you like. Pour into the dough. If the nucleoli are raw, then it is better to dry them a little before that in a skillet. The dough will be more flavorful.

6. Stir the dough so that the nuts are distributed in it evenly.

7. You can immediately lay out the walnut dough in tins. As usual, do not fill above 2/3 of the volume.

8. Put in the oven, bake nut muffins until cooked for about half an hour.

Chocolate Muffins with Chocolate Chunks

A recipe for delicious muffins with chocolate in milk. Pieces can be used dairy or dark to your taste.


• 160 g of flour;

• 70 grams of chocolate;

• 5 tablespoons of milk;

• 2 eggs;

• 100 g of oil;

• 2 l. cocoa;

• 100 g sugar;

• cultivator 8 g.


1. Put the butter in a bowl, melt in the microwave. We take out, set aside for cooling.

2. Combine sugar, eggs in a bowl and immediately pour milk to them. We take a whisk and gently beat, it is not necessary to create a plentiful foam.

3. Enter the cooled oil.

4. Combine flour with cocoa, add baking powder for porosity, mix.

5. With a large knife, chop the chocolate into pieces so that they are slightly larger than the raisins.

6. Pour the chocolate blanks into the dough, stir.

7. We shift the mass into small silicone or any other molds.

8. We send to bake. Muffins with slices will be cooked for about twenty minutes at 170 degrees.

Muffins in milk - useful tips and tricks

• The main secret of delicious muffins is the separate combination of dry and wet dough ingredients. In order for the mixtures to be homogeneous and without lumps, you need to use a product of the same temperature.

• Not all baking powders have the same lifting force. Before mixing the dough for muffins, it is advisable to study the information on the package.

• If the muffins do not want to jump out of the molds, then do not rush them. Leave the pastries for a few minutes, the bottom will become damp and take out the products will be much easier.

• Quickly, easily, cleanly collect viscous dough from the walls of the bowl with a rubber spatula or a silicone spatula.

• It is believed that muffins are afraid of harsh sounds and vibrations. Therefore, you need to get hot pastries from the oven very carefully to maintain the splendor and shape of the products.


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