What is Tibetan hormonal gymnastics? Is it effective: how to properly perform the exercises of Tibetan hormonal gymnastics


Over the centuries of its existence, human thought has discovered dozens of ways to rejuvenate and cleanse the body.

Qigong, breathing exercises, etc. Everyone knows these names. Less well-known, but no less effective practice is the so-called Tibetan hormonal gymnastics. It is a semi-esoteric set of exercises for training the body. Like Qigong Chinese gymnastics, Tibetan hormonal gymnastics is based on the assertion of the existence of a certain human biofield.

If we look further, it will become known that the human biofield, due to environmental factors, often becomes inharmonious and loses its functions. The described practice involves the harmonization of all physical and ideal body systems for the long-term preservation of youth and strength. What is Tibetan hormonal gymnastics? Let's take a closer look.

What is Tibetan hormonal gymnastics and when it became known

As already mentioned, Tibetan hormonal gymnastics is a complex of 10 exercises aimed at harmonizing all processes of the human body through the activation of specific points on the body. The process is based on the normalization of the movement of energies. If the reader does not like the esoteric interpretations, we will abandon the mystification. In this case, such gymnastics can be perceived as a way of healing, since the existence of biologically active points on the human body is still recognized by official science. The question arises: why is gymnastics called hormonal? The thing is that the presented complex activates the endocrine system.

If you believe the "legend", the Tibetan monks shared a set of such useful exercises with the Soviet workers as gratitude for the assistance provided in the construction of infrastructure in the mountains. Like it or not - no one knows for sure. However, it is known for certain that our people knew about Tibetan hormonal gymnastics back in the days of the USSR.

Description of Tibetan hormonal gymnastics: indications for the use of a set of exercises

If you believe all the same mystical interpretations, all diseases arise due to a violation of the flow of energies in the human body. Let us leave, however, ideal ideas and move on to the specifics. It has been proven that Tibetan hormonal gymnastics helps with the following diseases and conditions:

1) Diseases of the respiratory system. These include: bronchial asthma, destructive bronchitis, other types of bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis and others. The effect is achieved by mastering the ability to breathe properly.

2) Pathology of the cardiovascular system. Hypertension, hypotension, coronary heart disease. Thanks to proper breathing, the heart muscle receives more oxygen and nutrients.

3) Diseases of the kidneys and excretory system as a whole. Pyelonephritis, nephritis, renal failure and others.

4) Diseases associated with cerebrovascular insufficiency. Vertebrobasilar insufficiency, encephalopathy, etc. The blood supply to the brain is significantly improved.

5) Pathology of the musculoskeletal system, including arthritis, arthrosis. The described gymnastics improves blood supply to damaged joints.

6) Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is important to keep in mind. No, even the best, gymnastics is able to rid a person of illnesses. Any exercise is only a help, good, but a help. Traditional methods of treatment should not be abandoned in any case. Together, these two methods allow you to achieve maximum effect.

Description of Tibetan hormonal gymnastics: contraindications

Contraindications, in general, are exactly the same as for Qigong gymnastics. Namely:

• Mental disorders of various nature and severity. From neurosis (borderline conditions) to psychosis.

• Diseases of the spine. Especially intervertebral hernia, severe curvature of the spinal column, etc.

• Age to 16 years. Children are not recommended to do such gymnastics.

Otherwise, there are no contraindications for classes. Moreover, even the contraindications described, unlike Qigong, are not absolute. You can perform exercises in a gentle mode.

The effectiveness of Tibetan hormonal gymnastics

After reading the question, what goals does the specified gymnastics pursue and what effect can be expected?

First, Tibetan gymnastics contributes to the overall rejuvenation of the body.

Secondly, it helps relieve stress.

Thirdly, it contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes.

Fourth, helps strengthen the cardiovascular system.

Fifth, it acts as a natural nootropic agent, enhancing mental abilities and memory.

Sixth, it generally contributes to the healing of the body and the normalization of all physiological processes.

Exercise complex

A full range of exercises is indicated for people who do not have contraindications. In abbreviated form (exercises 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 10) can be performed by everyone.

1) The first exercise is rubbing the palms of the hands. Take any comfortable position. For 12-20 seconds, rub your palms against each other. At the end, you need to assess the condition of the hands. Ideally, they should be dry and hot. This means that the healing process has begun. If your hands are wet and cold, you need to repeat the same until a steady heat is reached.

2) Take any comfortable position. Now you need to apply dry and hot hands after the first exercise on the eyes. Then it is necessary to perform a light click on the eyes every second. In total, you need to perform 30 such clicks, which means that the whole exercise takes half a minute. Acceptable execution in several approaches.

3) Take an arbitrary position. Move your hands to your ears, put your fingers behind the back of the head, fixing the limbs in this position. Now you need to repeat the exercise, similar to the previous one. Only clicks are performed on the ears, not on the eyes. At the exact same pace: 1 second - 1 click. The photo of Tibetan hormonal gymnastics reflects the correct exercise.

4) The position is arbitrary. Clutch your hands into a fist, put your thumbs behind the auricles. Now you need to force back fists, as if trying to stretch your face. This exercise promotes a rush of blood, improving the color and oval of the face.

5) The position is any comfortable. Put one hand on the forehead, the second on top of the back of the head. When ready, begin to perform circular movements from temple to temple clockwise.

6) Massage the parietal region in the same way. Hands are locked in a lock, crown massage is performed in circular motions with large amplitude. The movements are neat, smooth.

7) Place the right hand on the thyroid gland. Put your left hand on your right. Now you need to make movements up and down, from the thyroid gland to the navel. Press with force. Run 30 times.

8) Fold your hands in the same way. Now you need to make a circular motion to massage the stomach. Circular movements with maximum amplitude.

9) Lie on your back. Arms up, legs bent at the knees and also raised. Now you need to make circular movements with brushes and ankles. How to properly take a pose is shown in the photo of Tibetan hormonal gymnastics.

10) Take a sitting position. Rub the feet with massage movements. If pain is observed in any place, massage until it disappears.

In the complex, these exercises make up hormonal gymnastics.

How to perform a set of exercises

There are several recommendations:

• At first, mild ailment may be observed. This is normal and does not mean that you need to stop classes.

• All painful sensations need to be worked out. This means that you should do the exercise until the soreness is gone.

• Do not engage in a state of extreme fatigue.

• It is important to breathe correctly. Breast breathing, diaphragm, rhythmic. Inhale as deep as possible through the nose, exhale calm through the mouth.

Adhering to these tips, you can maximize the effect of Tibetan hormonal gymnastics.

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics is a simple, affordable, and most importantly effective method of rejuvenating and healing the body. The main thing is to correctly approach the implementation of exercises.


Watch the video: The 5 Tibetan Rites. the proper way and safe Body Zen (June 2024).