The whole truth about lemon juice: the harm and benefits of sour citrus. We ask the doctor: who can use lemon juice with benefit


Since the most ancient times, the mankind has known about the miraculous benefits of juice. From time immemorial, it was added to various dishes and drinks, used in home cosmetology, and healing decoctions and infusions were made on its basis. And today, at the first sign of a cold, many of us rush to the store for this bright yellow, juicy and surprisingly healthy fruit.

As you know, lemon has unique anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties. The pulp of this fruit, as well as its juice, is used both as a therapeutic agent for many diseases, and for their prevention, and as a means to restore strength after serious or protracted diseases. It is widely used as an anti-aging and firming component in the preparation of home cosmetics. Useful substances are contained not only in its pulp, but also in lemon juice, the use of which is no less.

The composition of lemon juice

According to many inhabitants, the main components of this bright yellow fruit are water and acid. But in fact, besides them, in lemon, as well as in its juice, there is a huge amount of substances that are most useful for the human body. Therefore, the healing properties of drinks prepared with the addition of this citrus juice have no less useful indicators.

Everyone knows that one of the main components, which determines the benefits of lemon juice, is vitamin C. It gives the fruit a sour taste. However, in addition to this substance, lemon juice also contains vitamins A, B1, B2, and D. It also contains an element characteristic exclusively for citrus fruits - citrine.

The chemical composition of lemon juice is dominated by phenolic compounds with high biological activity. It has a lot of mineral salts and acids. It is their balanced composition that determines the benefits of lemon juice and its pulp. Therefore, the use of sour fruit in any form is extremely beneficial for the human body.

Who will benefit from lemon juice: benefits for the body

Ascorbic acid and vitamin C, which are part of it, contribute not only to strengthening the general immunity of the body, but also are necessary to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Vitamin C is involved in the metabolism and promotes optimal nutrition of the tissues of the human body. With its help, carotene is formed - a substance necessary to supply the body with energy. So the benefits of lemon juice for people who suffer from overwork and all kinds of exhaustion are obvious. Vitamin C is especially irreplaceable during the spring vitamin deficiency, when most of us suffer from a deficiency of mineral reserves in the body.

Scientists also note the beneficial effects of lemon juice on brain activity and the work of the cardiovascular system. With its regular consumption, the general psychoemotional state of a person improves, memory and ability to concentrate. It is an excellent remedy for depression and improves mood. Lemon juice has a positive effect on the metabolism of fats in the body, and helps to lower cholesterol, which, as you know, forms unwanted plaques on the walls of blood vessels, harming the entire cardiovascular system and the body as a whole.

The use of citrus fruits and drinks with the addition of their juice is indicated for people suffering from symptoms of hypertension, as these products contribute to a certain decrease in blood pressure. Lemon juice is also recommended for anemia, because it helps the iron and other substances necessary for the body to be easily absorbed.

It has long been known about the antioxidant properties of lemon juice: the substances contained in it slow down the aging process of body cells. It has been proven that the antioxidant effect is enhanced by the consumption of such juice with garlic. This mixture is recommended for patients with asthma. It should be remembered about the antitumor effect of lemon juice.

Its benefits are obvious for diabetics, because lemon juice contributes to a certain decrease in blood glucose levels. It normalizes carbohydrate and water-salt metabolism in the body, so it is recommended for symptoms of urolithiasis, rheumatism and gout attacks.

Do not forget about the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects of lemon juice. Many experts claim that it is able to neutralize some toxic substances that enter the body through insect bites.

Lemon juice is often used in cosmetology: it whitens the skin, eliminates age spots and freckles and slightly dries the skin, eliminating oily sheen. It gives a good effect when used in the treatment of acne.

About the dangers of lemon juice

Despite all the healing qualities, this citrus, like its juice, can cause various forms of allergies. Therefore, it is by no means impossible to abuse it even to people who have never encountered such a problem.

Concentrated juice destroys tooth enamel, which means that it should be consumed only in diluted form with water or other juices. After taking these drinks, rinse your mouth thoroughly to remove any acid residues.

The acid components that make up the natural drink can have a negative effect on the inflamed mucous membrane of the stomach, so it can not be consumed with erosive gastritis and ulcers. The harm of lemon juice in pancreatitis is known.

Undiluted juice leads to even more inflammation, increasing pain and bleeding during inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and with a sore throat.

Due to possible allergic reactions, negative effects on the gastrointestinal tract and other potential harm, lemon juice is not advisable to treat children under three years of age.

How to drink lemon juice

Natural undiluted juice is very sour, and not everyone can use it in this form. However, if you dilute it with ordinary boiled water or mix with other freshly squeezed juices, you can get a very tasty and healthy drink.

To strengthen the immune system, as well as to prevent colds, a mixture of freshly squeezed citrus juices is considered an effective tool. One of the essential components of such a cocktail should be lemon juice.

Many experts recommend drinking natural lemonade - a mixture of ordinary boiled water and lemon juice. Such a drink certainly will not bring harm, but the benefits will become noticeable almost immediately. To prepare one serving of this drink, you need to add the juice of half a lemon to one glass of water. For people whose weight reaches 80 kg or more, nutritionists recommend adding the juice of a whole lemon.

For symptoms of various colds, doctors advise drinking a bedtime drink of one cup of warm boiled water, one teaspoon of honey and juice squeezed from one third of the lemon. This healing drink has not only an excellent anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect, but it is also a wonderful vitamin cocktail.


Watch the video: What Happens to Your Body When You Drink Lemon Water (June 2024).