What will the eye shape and eyebrow shape tell about you?



Pay attention to people with round eyes: as a rule, they are distinguished by special kindness and innocence. Therefore, you can be sure of their sincerity, such representatives by nature are not ready to weave a cunning network of intrigues.
Large and almond-shaped incision inherent in personalities with a wide soul who approach the matter with all responsibility and are very clear about the further development of events. They know exactly how to achieve the desired result.
Some bulging eyes talk about the hot-tempered nature of a person, but at the same time quickly quick-witted. Such people notice every detail, trifle and always in search of a comfortable zone.
If a eyes are moved closer to the nose, it tells of you as a pragmatic, prudent and purposeful person. And if this is still combined with a deep landing, then we can already talk about secrecy and caution.
Feline look gives out a nature prone to theatrical behavior and adores being in the spotlight.
Small squint can testify to the ironic nature of a person who is ready to criticize everything around him, but at the same time he is so demanding on himself.

Now let's say a few words about eye color.

Blue tint It characterizes romantics and dreamers, for whom life puts many obstacles in the way, but they do not give up creating beauty, changing the world around them for the better.
Gray-eyed people They want to understand all the intricacies, but a situation that is commonplace can lead them into a dead end.
From the owners of green eyes, excellent leaders are obtained, since they are distinguished by special exactingness, but at the same time justice.
"Blue eyes" They like to argue and try not to delve into the problems of others.
Hazel green inherent to individuals with excellent diplomatic skills and who boast a philosophical mindset.
Brown-eyed persons wonderful keep not only their secrets, but also secrets that other people have entrusted to them. They are extremely sensitive to independence and, whenever possible, try to independently deal with matters.
And finally dark as night, eyes will tell you about a person with developed intuition and with a notable share of perseverance. But be careful with such a representative, as in difficult situations their irritability may manifest.


Eyebrows also influence our psychological portrait, so before you give them a fashionable shape, make sure that such changes will not harm you.

For already some season in a row, the model in this sphere of beauty is the model Cara Delevingne and actress Lily Collins.

Their form testifies to the decisiveness, power and firmness of nature. In any situation, they try to maintain their inherent adequacy and calmness. Even large crowds of people are not unacceptable for them, because here they feel like cheese in butter and quickly find a common language with everyone present.

They are able to quickly climb the career ladder, but at the same time they are distinguished by cold calculation and incredulity. As for personal life, here are the owners thick eyebrows Do not rush to leave the parental nest - here they feel confident and protected.

Elegant but at the same time long eyebrow line talks about creative people who highly value art and beauty.

Too high rise from the eyes indicates infantilism and self-indulgence. Such people are successful in everything except family ties. But for some this is even a plus, as such individuals value freedom and loneliness.

Short eyebrows indicate the love of their owners, who easily find their loved ones.


Watch the video: What Your Eyebrow Shape Can Say About Your Personality (June 2024).