How to spend summer: tips on the zodiac sign


Summer is a magical time when every day is a small universe full of opportunities. Coach trainers and psychologists recommend planning it in advance so as not to miss anything and fully enjoy this time of year. And assorted tips on how various zodiac signs can spend the summer can be of great help. After all, the influence of the stars inherent in these months creates a very special atmosphere of the possible and the real.


The practical Aries begins to regret missed summer opportunities only at the dawn of autumn. Therefore, he can not do without a diary. The sign should head for carefree "stupid things." Not books on self-development, but romance novels and fantasy. Not repair on your own, but courses with polymer clay jewelry. Not loneliness, but a blind date. Summer is the time to radically change the style and discover new things. To save the same impressions, it is very useful to keep a diary. For the energy of the sign it is useful to spend as much time as possible in the sun.



By the will of the stars, this is the best time for Taurus to get rid of the unnecessary - to leave work, partner. To find your place in the world. The time from May to June may rush under the signs of chaos, but July-August is the time for harmony. In other words, at first it is worth surrendering to the flow of the event, and then - to arrange everything to your liking. If there is no need - summer is not the best time for a strong distance from their native places. But the infield - the days there will be fruitful and sincere - proximity to the land even heals Taurus. It is very useful for a sign to perform repeated, certain actions every year at this time, supporting its sense of stability of personal happiness. For example, harvesting jam from the first gooseberry crop may become a personal ritual.



Only in the summer can a sign improve health so qualitatively. For a vacation it is better to choose a sanatorium. It would be nice to go in for sports, for example, jogging in the park, horse riding. The summer time for Gemini is the time to discover the world anew. It is useful to walk along the streets and yards of your native area for a long time, looking for cats in the windows of the first floors. In order not to develop depression, you should not wear a lot of black and brown in the summer. Contacts with the water element are wonderful, which means that you should definitely visit all the local beaches. And take a walk under the warm "mushroom" rain. By the way, you can also go for the gifts of the forest. And still it is necessary to postpone all serious questions and problems for the fall. Summer - should be lazy and light, like a stretching piece of cotton candy.



The hotter and juicier the summer, the easier it is for Cancer to use it in order to understand himself. Indispensable things will not be in a hurry in the summer and everything needs to be taken in turn. But every day there must be time for yourself. It is useful to write yourself letters to the future, with advice and thoughts on life, plans for the summer and reproaches if something is missed. And open weekly. And it is imperative to find something that will make it special by every summer day (after all, there are really not many of them).


a lion

This time of year, trembling with all the colors of life, suits Leo in the best way possible. Having gotten the most out of work and the routine of everyday life, you need to take a little of everything from the summer. Dessert on the summer terrace of the cafe, the meeting of dawn to the song of a nightingale, the ruin of the piggy bank for fashionable new things. Successful in May will be an express diet to get a beach body. A lion will find spiritual harmony if he steps back a bit from everyone and takes care of himself. No trips to the cottage for hilling squash. It is worth changing the diet - more fresh fruits, vegetables and ice cream. Let every day be a bright adventure, like the wings of butterflies from the Amazonian Selva.



The location of the stars gave the sign the talent to live the summer as if it were a whole year. Therefore, you should not be afraid that it flies by unnoticed - everything will succeed, the main thing is to trust intuition. It is helpful to follow the activities that family and friends have to offer. The company tastes better barbecue, more mysterious Kupalskaya night. And Virgo useful little frenzy. For example, why not walk barefoot on asphalt, try all the varieties of chocolate ice cream with nuts, take a funny nickname for the summer, and learn how to get up with the first rays of the sun ...



In summer, the representative of the sign should be hardworking and troublesome, like a squirrel, creating supplies for the winter. The saying that a summer day feeds a year is also relevant for urban Libra of the 21st century. To put in order a figure, to distribute debts, to economically add salt to tomatoes - everything will be in time, if not to be lazy. In addition to the days of full moons and new moons, then let everything go as the soul prompts. Cultural rest - a museum, a philharmonic society will be useful for a sign. And always if possible you need to get out into the parks - the sign is sensitive to the energy of trees.



Miraculously, every summer provides the sign with opportunities that are never unique in the future. Therefore, it is advisable not later than April to acquire all astrological calculations so as not to miss anything. Of great importance is the weather - cool and cloudy, which means the time of routine. The sun and the sky are azure - you just need to ... walk ... Usually the legs themselves carry Scorpio to the picturesque corners of the city. He should vigilantly look around - to notice passers-by and signs of fate, to absorb the very summer course of life. An excellent solution, if there is no cottage, will be a flower garden on the balcony. And all major purchases will be successful.



This sign often misses its summer, putting off everything “for later”. Therefore, no later than May you need to prioritize. The tastiest thing is in June. The most incredible thing is in July. August is for spontaneity. Sagittarius loses in health and luck if it does not draw strength from space, so daily walks in the fresh air are mandatory for him. He should not start a love relationship in the summer. It’s better to take care of yourself - update the style, drink cocktails, be sure to sunbathe.



It is known that in certain periods of life, the sign benefits spontaneity. But he loves plans. Compromise - a list of plans for the summer, in which you can poke a finger at random. An unusual vacation is desirable - a lake in Karelia, a hotel in a castle, a cruise. In summer, Capricorn should be a little selfish. This season it is possible to get rid of bad habits and allow yourself desserts without fear for a figure. It is useful to dream and go on a visit.



A representative of the sign is desirable a support group that would enthusiastically tell him about the transience of summer and the inadmissibility of its omission. But at the same time - in the summer the career is wonderful. Aquarius should separate personal and business time. And fill the first, like a box of candies, with bright things. Bake pies with fresh berries, enroll in the pool, buy garden crops not at the supermarket, but at the grandmothers market. You can also purchase a bird guide and find with it city birds. Be sure to take a lot of photos so that the summer does not go over time for the fog of everyday routine.



This sign is largely conservative and summer is no exception. It will be wonderful to spend a vacation on the beach with a lazy seal. It’s wonderful to live a warm season for moments without following the time ... For happiness in the soul, Pisces should carry out in the summer what he dreamed a long time ago. Eco-tourism with a stay in the farm style will be a good choice - the more delicious and positive the city life will be perceived after. If you couldn’t get out anywhere, you need to unload life. Do not stand at the stove - there is fast food, fresh fruit, and homemade hungry - they cook up themselves. And in general - Pisces should feel like a dear guest in their own home. Relax from duties and enjoy the summer as your heart desires.


Watch the video: Your Weekly Horoscope For June 16-22, 2019. All 12 Zodiac Signs (June 2024).