The ability to sit on a diet depends on the speed of the brain


It is no secret that some people easily refuse any gastronomic delicacies, while others simply are not able to follow even the most benign diets. American scientists were able to understand the nature of this phenomenon. It turned out that the whole thing is in the speed of the brain, evaluating the "benefit" or "harm" of a particular product.

Scientists have tried to understand at what point the taste known to man begins to be “embedded” in the decision-making process about the use of a product, and at what point the factor of its usefulness or harm is involved. The experimental group included 26 people who were forbidden to eat for four hours. Volunteers needed to rate 160 products on a scale from minus two to plus two. The assessment was based on the basis of taste, benefits and the strength of the desire to eat the product at the end of the study.

Then there were left a pair of products, of which the subjects chose only one. At this stage of the experiment, the decision speed was estimated. As a result, it turned out that taste data influenced decision making a little earlier than benefit data. 32% of the subjects did not take into account the usefulness of the products.

At the end of the experiment, the volunteers were divided into two groups, the first of which included people who chose healthy foods, and, therefore, had excellent self-control, and the second - who chose harmful, but tasty food.

Data analysis showed that the participants of the first group for 323 milliseconds used to take into account information about the benefits of products. In other words, this speed guarantees the choice in favor of healthy food.


Watch the video: Kip Andersen, Dave Asprey, Dr. Joel Kahn: "The Ideal Diet: The Directors of . .". Talks at Google (June 2024).