Back pain in a pregnant woman: norm or pathology? Back pain during pregnancy: when to start worrying


As they say in popular women's magazines, pregnancy is the most exciting and enjoyable period in a woman’s life.

It is possible and agrees with the second thesis, but it is hard with the first one. This is not an exciting stage, but extremely nervous, restless and exciting.

Running through the doctors, taking kilograms of tests, nausea, and other delights of toxicosis - and not a whole list of unpleasant feelings that accompany a woman for 40 weeks of life. Quite often, during pregnancy back pain. This unpleasant symptom should alert the future mother.

Back pain during pregnancy. The reasons

The manifestation of such unpleasant sensations can be:

• physiological;

• pathological.

For physiological reasons include back pain during pregnancy due to the production of the hormone relaxin. This substance helps to improve the elasticity of the ligament apparatus of the pelvic-sacral joints. Without this, the process of physiological delivery is impossible - the child simply will not pass through the birth canal.

The second reason is the increase in weight and size of the child. This increases the load on the spine, changes the location of the usual center of gravity, sometimes the tot can even pinch the nerves. The combination of all these factors gives back pain during pregnancy.

Sometimes in the later stages, the so-called “training fights” can produce painful sensations. Thus, the body is preparing for the upcoming birth.

For pathological reasons include organic diseases of the spine - hernia, osteochondrosis - and kidney disease. In the early stages, back pain may indicate a threatened miscarriage.

Whatever the causes of back pain during pregnancy, it is imperative to inform your gynecologist. And then act on the circumstances.

Back pain during pregnancy. Diagnostics

With any complaints, the expectant mother should contact the antenatal gynecologist in the antenatal clinic. And with him to develop further tactics of treatment.

1. Physiological pains are easily diagnosed - there are no signs of inflammation in the woman’s analysis (the leukocyte count, ESR is not increased), and there is no other symptom other than pain.

2. Pathological back pain during pregnancy - there are signs of an inflammatory process (leukocytosis, elevated ESR levels, disturbed ratio of leukocytes and erythrocytes, blood or protein in the urine) and other symptoms characteristic of various diseases.

Further diagnostic measures and treatment tactics depend on the intended diagnosis.


Pyelonephritis is an inflammatory process in the kidneys that causes activated pathogenic microflora.

Signs of pyelonephritis:

• pain in the back just above the waist - sometimes it is impossible to bend or straighten;

• turbid urine with an unpleasant odor;

• traces of blood, pus in the urine;

• high temperature - sometimes up to 39 degrees;

• increased white blood cell count in the overall analysis;

• the ratio of erythrocytes and leukocytes was disturbed according to the urine analysis according to Nechyporenko;

• pain when going to the toilet.

The diagnosis is confirmed by ultrasound of the kidneys.

Renal colic

Similar symptoms have renal colic. At the same time, small stones or sand begin to move from the kidney through the ureter.

Signs of renal colic:

• colic pains in the back and in the front of the abdomen along the ureter. Often intolerable;

• blood in the urine;

• The level of leukocytes in the urine can be increased.

When these symptoms occur, it is advisable to call an ambulance crew and deliver the expectant mother to the hospital.

Osteochondrosis, exacerbation of lumbar hernia

Osteochondrosis is a degenerative disease of the spine. Its cartilage components begin to lose their elasticity and mobility. There is pain.

Spinal hernia is a rupture of the fibrous ring and the displacement of the middle part of the intervertebral disc.

The main symptoms of osteochondrosis:

• back pain during physical exertion, changing body position;

• pain may be given to the legs, buttocks;

• It is difficult for the patient to bend over, turn around.

The main symptoms of intervertebral hernia:

• pain in the area of ​​protrusion;

• impaired sensitivity in the limbs;

• problems with urination and defecation.

These diseases do not begin spontaneously. Most often, a woman already knew about her problem before pregnancy. In this case, this chronic disease should be reported to the local gynecologist.

Confirm the diagnosis can only CT or MRI. But during pregnancy, these procedures are prescribed only when the intended benefit to the mother is higher than the threat to the unborn baby.

Back pain during pregnancy. Risk of miscarriage

Back pain during pregnancy can occur due to the threat of termination of pregnancy. This happens in the early and late periods of the baby’s waiting period.

Signs of a pathological condition:

• pain in the back and abdomen is an optional sign;

• vaginal bleeding of varying intensity - daub, blood clots. It can stop and resume.

If you experience similar symptoms, you should immediately contact the specialized hospital for treatment.

Diagnostic measures:

• vaginal examination

• Ultrasound to determine the status of the fetus.

Back pain during pregnancy. Treatment

Therapeutic tactics depend on the diagnosis of the patient. But in any case, the first instance for treatment is a local gynecologist, and in emergency cases - an ambulance team or a gynecological hospital.

1. Treatment of pyelonephritis and renal colicand.

The tactics of patient management is quite simple:

• Broad-spectrum antibiotics. In difficult cases, it is possible to use highly specialized drugs of this group. But only after bakposseva urine with the determination of the sensitivity of microorganisms to a particular drug.

• Herbal-based antibacterial drugs - Kanefron, Trinefron, Urokholum, Urolesan, and so on, as chosen by the doctor.

• Plentiful drink - for 30 g of water per 1 kg of woman’s weight.

• Antispasmodics for pain - no-shpa, drotaverine.

The treatment is carried out either in the gynecological hospital or in the urology department.

2. The threat of miscarriage.

According to the results of ultrasound, the doctor determines the method of management of the patient.

• Pregnancy does not develop - measures are taken to remove a dead embryo or fetus from the uterus. In the early stages of a possible surgical or medical abortion. In the later periods - artificial labor is caused.

• Pregnancy continues to evolve. In this case, hemostatic and sedative drugs are prescribed, progesterone-containing drugs - Duphaston, Inzhest, Utrogestan, antispasmodics. The treatment is carried out on the basis of the gynecological department and hospital. A prerequisite - bed rest.

3. Treatment of osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernia.

During pregnancy, the treatment of these diseases is extremely difficult. They differ in the chronic course and use of drugs that can cause irreparable damage to the baby.

In normal life, osteochondrosis is treated with anti-inflammatory, decongestants. Also shown is the long-term use of chondroprojectors — special formulations designed to slow the destruction of the cartilaginous and ligamentous mechanism of the spine. The treatment includes a complex of physical therapy and physiotherapy, massage the problem area.

All drugs are selected individually. Often, doctors have to combine drugs to achieve positive dynamics.

The tactics of treatment of intervertebral hernia is similar to the rules of management of patients with osteochondrosis. In severe cases, surgery is indicated to remove the formation.

All these means, massage and some elements of LF are prohibited during pregnancy. Surgical intervention on hernias is carried out in the case when the intended benefit to the mother is higher than the threat to the future of the toddler.

Therefore, in the event of a relapse, it is necessary to turn first to the gynecologist to exclude pyelonephritis and gynecological problems. And then go to an experienced neurologist or neurosurgeon specializing in diseases of the spine.

Back pain during pregnancy. Prevention

Forgive the problem to warn than to treat. Therefore, when registering in female consultation need to:

1. Planning a joyful event, pass a comprehensive survey.

2. Honestly inform the gynecologist about your chronic diseases. And also to tell about health problems that you faced before pregnancy or in a previous pregnancy.

3. In the presence of chronic diseases of the kidneys and urinary, musculoskeletal systems contact the narrow specialists for advice on the behavior during pregnancy.

4. Follow all the instructions of the obstetrician-gynecologist - to pass all the necessary tests, ultrasound, to observe the schedule of visits to the doctor, to monitor the weight.

5. Wear comfortable clothing and shoes.

6. When exacerbating the pathological processes do not self-medicate. Contact a specialized doctor.

Physiological back pain during pregnancy will help alleviate The following recommendations:

1. Shoes with low, steady heels. Growing belly and weight and so gives the load on the back, and fashion shoes also further increases it. In addition, high heels are rarely stable.

2. Watch for nutrition. Do not listen to grandmothers and do not eat for two. There are physiological norms for weight gain during pregnancy. Overeating, you increase the load on the legs, back muscles and spine.

3. Do not sit or lie down for a long time in one position. The exception is the threat of miscarriage. In this case, the best choice would be bed rest.

4. Labor exploits with weightlifting is not for you. You carry a child, and leave bags for groceries for your husband.

5. If possible, relax during the day. Lie for 20 minutes, and your back will be grateful.

6. Talk to your doctor - let you recommend a set of exercises aimed at strengthening the back muscles and to relieve the load on the spine.

7. If you are comfortable and there is a need, then start wearing a bandage already from a short time. This wide belt will relieve tension from the lumbar spine.

Pregnancy is not the most pleasant period in a woman’s life. But all the problems go away, but the most important thing remains - the little tot. He needs a healthy mom. And it is in your power to ensure that back pain during pregnancy does not spoil your joy of meeting with your child and does not undermine your health.


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