Rumor: the "Glukharya" star Vlad Kotlyarsky brought to tears the millionaire's widow


The popular Russian actor Vlad Kotlyarsky, who is known to the audience for his brilliant work on the television series “Karpov” and “Capercaillie”, cannot be called handsome, but he has always enjoyed great success with women. Devoted fans flooded Vlad with love messages and patiently on duty under the windows of his apartment. More recently, it became known that Kotlarsky has richer fans. According to media reports, the millionaire's widow Lala Mamedova completely lost her head from love and is trying to win the actor's favor.

Through mutual friends, Mammadova offered Vlada an impressive fee for attending her birthday. Kotlyarsky thought for a long time, but as a result he agreed, saying that he would come with his colleagues on the series “Capercaillie”, and he would give the money to charity.

At the party, Mamedova did everything possible to charm the actor. Kotlyarsky's friends say that Vlad did not succumb to compulsive flirting, and then, in a rather harsh manner, announced to Mamedova that she was not at all interested in him. Wounded Lala cried for several hours. As the "Secrets of the Stars" are reported, Kotlyarsky admitted that at present he is alone and has not yet met a woman who would beautify his life.
