Diets for men. How to help your husband improve your figure.


Diet for men - general principles

Men do not make so much noise due to a few extra pounds, the tummy of beer lovers is considered normal. But only until health problems begin. Excess weight can bring to the representatives of a strong part of humanity a disease of the cardiovascular system, diabetes mellitus, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and many other troubles. According to statistics, 20% of the world's men are obese.

If the time has come to fight overweight, you need to throw all your strength into finding an effective diet and stay on it for the right time. What is the difference between female and male diets? The main difference is calorie content. For the male body, optimal is 1600-1700 calories per day, that is, more than for women. For men, special diet options have been developed. Most often, men achieve good results by restoring metabolic processes in the body, lowering cholesterol and blood sugar.

Diet for men - what foods can be consumed

Variants of the male diet must include vitamins A, B, C, D, E, fiber, protein, magnesium and calcium. The male body needs at least 2.5 liters of water per day. Meat products should not be completely excluded from the diet. Although meat can be successfully replaced with fish and vegetables, it is worthwhile to include it in the diet in boiled and stewed form, preferably low-fat pieces. Preferably lean chicken or other poultry without fat and skin.

Men who work in hard physical work are especially in need. You can leave a glass of live beer, but not more than 2 times a week. Carbohydrate foods reduce the amount of calories that enter the body, so vegetables are also recommended (all kinds of cabbage, carrots, beets, onions, garlic, bell peppers, potatoes), more greens. Flour products, preferably coarse. Sour-milk products to consume with a low concentration of fat, cereals (cereals, soups, sprouted wheat).

Diet for men - what foods should not be consumed

Refuse should be from strong alcohol in large quantities, animal fats, fatty meat and fish, especially heavily fried breaded. During the diet, highly fried foods, spicy, smoked and salty foods are unacceptable. Pasteurized bottled beer should not be consumed. Refuse should be from pork and fatty beef and lamb, mayonnaise and hot ketchups, as well as minimize sugar consumption.

Diet for men - examples of menus

For men, physiological and balanced protein diets are preferable. Losing weight under such programs, hunger pangs are not terrible due to a violation of the usual diet. Consider several diet options to choose the one that suits you best.

Option number 1 - a three-day diet for men

Using this diet in the shortest possible time, you can achieve weight loss. But it is quite tough, and requires a lot of self-control to combat hunger and correctly implement all the recommendations. You can use this method no more than 2 times a year.

Day 1: The main product is chicken.

Boil a chicken of such a size that you can get 1.5 kg of lean meat. You can also bake meat, separate it from the bones and divide it into three parts. Eat in three divided doses, leaving the largest portion for lunch.

Day 2: The main product is beef.

Fry 300 grams of veal, simmer, and also divide into three doses.

Third 3, the main product is coffee.

This day can be called unloading. Indeed, during the day you can drink only 5 cups of coffee.
Do not forget to drink water at intervals. During meals, brew weak tea without sugar in unlimited quantities.

Option number 2: a seven-day diet for men

Breakfast: fruit, drink a glass of clean water.

Second breakfast: cereal porridge on the water, (semolina, buckwheat, rice). Cottage cheese (150 grams), tea.

Lunch: boil lean meat (you can fish), prepare a salad of vegetables, garnished with rice or potatoes without butter, tea, fruits.

Dinner: only fresh fruit, a glass of kefir before bedtime.

Option number 3: a four-day diet for a beer belly

Breakfast: oatmeal or granola, whole bread, boiled chicken (100 grams), a thin piece of cheese (you can make a sandwich from whole grain bread), tea without sugar.

Lunch: a salad of fresh vegetables seasoned with vegetable oil and lemon, a low-fat piece of chicken, side dish - buckwheat or rice. Juice from vegetables or fruits.

Dinner: bran bread, low-fat cottage cheese (125 grams), tea without sugar.

Option number 4: fish

Breakfast: fish cutlet, stewed mushrooms (mushrooms can be), black bread from wholemeal flour, fruit juice without sugar (half a glass).

Lunch: 150 g stewed fish (150 grams), side dish - green peas, boiled jacket potatoes (2 pcs), yogurt.

Snack: potatoes "in their skins" (200 g), boiled beans (125 g).

Dinner: tuna (90 grams), 2 slices of black bread with bran, a slice of ham. We drink water or herbal teas all day.

Diet for men - useful tips

The effectiveness of the diet will increase if you help the body cleanse itself. A visit to the bath and sauna stimulates the excretory functions of the skin, which also helps to lose extra pounds. To support the achieved result and maintain it in the future, it is necessary to increase motor activity. It can be physical education, light jogging, walking in the fresh air. Where possible, you need to try to move more - for example, climb the stairs without an elevator, stop the car a couple of blocks from the right place, get distracted from working at the computer for a five-minute warm-up.

Two hours before bedtime is not recommended at all. After 6 pm, eat only salad, kefir, yogurt, or other light food. It is better to temporarily abandon fast food and fatty mayonnaise. Diversify your diet with fresh vegetables and fruits, seasoning the salad with lemon-oil filling. Try to lower your salt intake. To the main diet of any diet, you can add one or two fruits, preferably, except for banana and grapes.


Alexandra 03/22/2016
My girlfriend constantly makes her husband diet. The latter, was similar to the presented option number 1. By the way, she was very well received by her tortured husband, and acted effectively. Now, most likely, he will often have to follow such a diet)))

Lika 03/22/2016
I think many women reading this article are interested in a beer belly diet! Yes ... a sore subject. It remains only to somehow persuade her husband to eat a diet for four days. And it will be difficult! Of course, all this is possible with not too much physical exertion.

Diana 03/22/2016
Yes, it would not hurt men to monitor their weight either. And of course, they need more calories per day. Here is a fish version of the male diet, I recommend it to a neighbor. Her husband is full, with shortness of breath a man. In addition - an avid fisherman. Let him catch a fish, his health))

Angelica 03/22/2016
Wow! What a guy in the picture. True, I do not really like such a cute type of men. But, a beautiful male body, who doesn't like it? The first diet, by the way, is very satisfying! Compared to women, then! Lucky men!)) They should be in joy, sit on such a diet.

Ksyusha 03/22/2016
Indeed, there are very few men who would be burdened by their weight. In the meantime, in many of them he is above the norm. I do not know why men care little, because, first of all, overweight affects health. Even potency is reduced. In my opinion, this is an occasion to think.


Watch the video: Improving Fertility in Men with Poor Sperm Count. UCLA Urology - #UCLAMDChat Webinar (June 2024).