Currant fruit drink - cook in summer and winter! Recipes of different fruit drinks from red, black, frozen and fresh currants


Morse is a drink that is remarkably refreshing in the heat and is often consumed cold. It also wonderfully warms in winter, can be consumed warm, but not hot. Why ruin vitamins?

Currant fruit drink - general principles of preparation

For fruit drinks we choose ripe, you can even overripe berries of black or red currant. Then we rinse well, put in a sieve or in a colander. Let the water drain. Currants need to be kneading and decanting fresh juice, it is its addition to the drink that distinguishes fruit drinks from compote. Waste (cake) is combined with water and boiled. Bones and skins of berries give a wonderful aroma.

The broth is filtered, then combined with previously prepared juice. Until this point, it is better to keep it in the refrigerator, so as not to bring the souring period closer.

What can be added to fruit drinks:

• cinnamon;

• vanilla;

• ginger;

• cloves;

• mint;

• other berries, fruits.

For taste, put sugar or honey. Lemon or orange peel can also be added for flavor. Currants are often prepared with other seasonal berries, which ripen by this time. But it is not necessary to prepare a drink only in the summer. Frozen berries cross out the issue of seasonality of fruit drinks.

Recipe 1: Redcurrant Common Morse

The simplest recipe for red currant fruit juice, which will require only three ingredients.


• 0.25 kg of currant;

• 1 liter of water;

• 4-5 tablespoons of sugar.


1. We sort through the berries, remove the twigs and leaves, then rinse well and put in a bowl.

2. Take the pestle and mashed well. You can use a blender, but do not twist for a long time. Seeds should not be crushed.

3. Filter, gruel gently rub through a sieve.

4. Put the juice in the refrigerator for a while, it is not needed yet.

5. Pour cake with prescription water. Cook for five minutes after boiling, cool.

6. Filter from the cake and add sugar. The amount can be adjusted to your taste.

7. Pour juice from the refrigerator, mix thoroughly and the drink is ready!

Recipe 2: Blackcurrant juice with lemon

A variant of the amazing currant juice with a very pronounced aroma of lemon zest. Similarly, you can use an orange, but a lemon with black currant is more harmonious.


• 1 lemon;

• 1.54 liters of boiling water;

• 0.3 kg of currant berries;

• 0.12 kg of sugar.


1. Remove the zest from the lemon and send it to the pan. Cut the citrus in half and squeeze the juice.

2. Knead the berries, drain the juices, put the cake to the lemon.

3. Pour the contents of the saucepan with boiling water and boil for three minutes. Let cool and filter.

4. Add sugar to the broth, then pour the lemon juice, and after it from the currant. If the berries are sour, then you can prepare a drink with juice from half a lemon or not add it at all. In any case, the zest gives the main flavor.

5. Stir the cooked fruit drink and taste it. If necessary, add more sugar.

Recipe 3: Frozen currant fruit drink (no boiling)

The recipe for the preparation of fruit juice from frozen currants may be similar to the options for fresh berries. But you can make a drink without boiling. After thawing, berries give away better juice and aroma.


• 0.2 kg of berries;

• 1 liter of water;

• 4 tablespoons of sugar.


1. Rinse the frozen berries well with cold water. This must be done before complete thawing, so as not to drain the released juice later.

2. Express well the water and let the currant thaw.

3. Take the pestle and knead well, then wipe through a sieve.

4. Add purified water to the resulting slurry, followed by granulated sugar. Stir thoroughly and the drink is ready!

Recipe 4: Redcurrant fruit drink with honey and ginger

The recipe for spicy fruit juice from red currant, the benefit of which increases bee honey. The drink is very fragrant and has an original taste. The use of such fruit drinks is contraindicated for people who are allergic to beekeeping products.


• 0.4 kg of currant berries;

• 1.6 liters of water;

• 60-100 grams of honey;

• 10 grams of ginger root;

• 0.5 cinnamon sticks.


1. Knead the berries, spread in cheesecloth and squeeze the juice with pulp. But you can do this in any other way.

2. Put the prescription water on the fire, add the skins and seeds of currant, boil for five minutes.

3. We throw the ginger cut into small pieces, let it boil.

4. Throw half the cinnamon sticks on and off.

5. Cover the fruit drink and let it brew. Hold until it becomes warm.

6. Filter, add squeezed juice and honey. The amount of honey is approximate, it can be changed.

Recipe 5: Blackcurrant Mint with Mint

Variant of summer black currant fruit drink with a pleasant, refreshing taste. For cooking, you need any mint or lemon balm. The amount can be increased or decreased, taking into account your taste preferences.


• 1 sprig of mint about 20 grams;

• 1 liter of water;

• 200 grams of currant;

• 100 grams of sugar.


1. We sort through the currant, remove the spoiled berries and twigs, rinse.

2. Knead in any way, filter.

3. We put the cake and washed sprig of mint in a pan, cook the compote. Two minutes after boiling is enough.

4. Cool and filter.

5. Season with sugar and previously prepared juice.

Recipe 6: Redcurrant juice with orange

Orange marvelously harmonizes in a redcurrant fruit drink. To make two and a half liters of amazing drink, just one citrus is enough.


• 1 citrus;

• 2 liters of water;

• 0.4 kg of currant;

• 0.12 kg of sugar (you can and more);

• cinnamon to taste.


1. Cut the orange in half, squeeze the juice out of it. We empty the empty halves into the pan, fill with water and while we put on the stove.

2. Crush the berries of washed currants, drain the juice, send the rest of the skins and seeds into a pan to the orange peels. Cook the fruit base for about two minutes after boiling.

3. Filter the broth, let cool and season with sugar. The taste is adjustable at your discretion.

4. At the end, pour the juice, stir well. If the drink turned out to be fresh and not enough acid, then you can add a little lemon juice.

Recipe 7: Black Currant Mors with Apples

To prepare such a fruit drink, it is advisable to take summer and fragrant apples. With them, the drink is wonderful. But you can also use dried apples for a decoction, in which case we boil the liquid a little longer.


• 2 apples;

• 0.2 kg of currant;

• 0.15 kg of sugar;

• 2 liters of water;

• 1 clove sprocket;

• 0.5 tsp cinnamon.


1. Rinse the currants and leave for now.

2. Rinse the apples, cut into slices. Pass the stub immediately and throw it away.

3. Squeeze the juice from apples and currants, you can immediately drain everything together. We put on the stove and heat up to 90 degrees, turn it off.

4. We take out waste from the juicer, boil it for several minutes in prescription water with the addition of cloves and filter.

5. In the hot broth, dissolve the sugar, pour the warmed juice from the currant with apples and add cinnamon.

6. Let the drink stand for a while to combine the tastes of the ingredients. We use it warm or cold.

Recipe 8: Low-Calorie Frozen Fruit Juice

During the diet, I really want something tasty! Why not make low-calorie currant juice? For this drink you will need any sugar substitute marked 0 calories.


• 0.2 kg of frozen berries;

• 7 tablets of a substitute;

• 1.2 liters of water;

• cinnamon, mint to taste.


1. We immediately put water on the stove so as not to waste time.

2. Rinse the berries, sort it out, let it thaw a little.

3. Take a metal sieve and grind immediately.

4. We throw waste into boiling water, boil and filter. If desired, you can throw a little mint, cinnamon, any other spice.

5. Cool the drink a bit, add sugar substitute tablets, equivalent to 6-7 teaspoons of sand. You can use liquid or powder substitute.

6. After dissolution, you can drink or cool well in the refrigerator.

Recipe 9: Blackcurrant fruit drink for babies and nursing mothers

Currant fruit drink is great for baby food, and can also be consumed by nursing mothers. This berry rarely causes an allergic reaction. It is very important not to put any additives, spices, honey.


• 2 glasses of berries;

• 4 tablespoons of sugar;

• 1.8 liters of water.


1. Rub the berries with your hands or pestle, drain the juice.

2. Pour the waste with boiling water and cover, you can wrap something up. Let’s brew an hour. Juice this time you need to put in the refrigerator.

3. Filter the infusion, add sugar, stir until dissolved.

4. Take out the previously prepared juice from the refrigerator and combine.

5. Ready-made fruit drinks are offered to the child in small portions, starting with a teaspoon. We follow the reaction. The nursing mother also should not lean on the drink from the first day. If currants and sugar have long been present in the diet, then we drink the drink safely and are not afraid of the consequences.

Currant fruit drink - useful tips and tricks

• Mors can be served with ice cubes. It will be more interesting and tastier if they are not prepared from water. The same fruit drink is suitable as a basis. In each cube you can put a leaf of mint, a little zest, a few whole berries. Such interesting ice will look spectacular in any soft drink; it can be used for alcoholic cocktails.

• You can fill fruit drinks not only with ordinary water, but also with mineral water. You get sparkling water with vitamins and a summer taste.

• Any fruit drink will be more aromatic and tastier if you cook it from ripe, juicy currant berries. If they are immature, it is better to increase the amount of basic raw materials.


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